Political Map of Iraq

Description : Iraq Political map showing the international boundary, governorates boundaries with their capitals and national capital.


The colored Iraq map features the country capital, the state capitals and the neighboring countries. The online map of Iraq also showcases the neighboring countries of Iraq. The states are colored individually to create a distinct identity. The state capitals are also marked on the online political map of Iraq for the convenience of the web surfers. The international boundary of the Iraq is drawn with a dotted broken line while the broken line denotes the state boundaries.

Location and Geography

The latitudinal and the longitudinal extent of Iraq are 33° North and 44° East. The country lies in the Middle East between Kuwait and Iran bordering Persian Gulf. Iraq encompasses a total area of 437,072 square kilometers. The land area comprises of 432,162 square kilometers and the aquatic area covers 4,910 square kilometers. The coastline of the country stretches over an area of 58 kilometers. The highest point of the country lies at 3,611 meters above sea level while the lowest point is Persian Gulf.

Country Capital of Iraq

The country capital of Iraq is Baghdad, which is situated at an elevation point of 40 meters from the sea level. The city is located at 33° 20’ 19″ North latitude and 44° 23’ 38″ East longitude. The city is marked with a red square encompassed within a square in the country map of Iraq. Some of the nearby cities are:

  • Suq al Ghazl
  • Bab ash Shaykh
  • Alawi al Hillah
  • An Nil
  • Al Waziriyah
  • Qatirkhanah.

The city is the principal disembarkation point for travelers entering Iraq from outside the country. The principal airports of the city are Al Taqaddum Ab, Baghdad International Airport, Rasheed and Balad Southeast Al Bakr.

State Boundaries and their Capitals

The state capitals are denoted with white squares on the printable map of Iraq. Following are the names of the state boundaries and their capitals:

  • Dahuk- Dahuk
  • Ninawa- Al Mawsil
  • Arbil- Arbil
  • At Ta’min- Kirkuk
  • As Sulaymaniyah – As Sulaymaniyah
  • Salahad Din- Samarra
  • Diyala- Baquba
  • Al Anber- Ar Ramadi
  • Baghdad- Baghdad
  • Karbala- Karbala
  • Babil- Al Hillah
  • Wasit- Al Kut
  • Maysan- Al Amara
  • An Najaf- An Najaf
  • Al Qadisiyah- Ad Diwaniyan
  • Dhiqar- An Nasiriyah
  • Al Basrah- Al Basrah
  • Al Muthanna- As Samawah
Province Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital Pc
Al-Anbar 1,023,776 138,501 53,476 Ar-Ramadi 31
Al-Basrah 1,556,445 19,070 7,363 Al-Basrah 61
Al-Muthanna 436,825 51,740 19,977 As-Samawah 66
Al-Qadisiyah 751,331 8,153 3,148 Ad-Diwaniyah 58
An-Najaf 775,042 28,824 11,129 An-Najaf 54
Arbil 1,095,992 14,471 5,587 Arbil 44
As-Sulaymaniyah 1,362,739 17,023 6,573 As-Sulaymaniyah 46
At-Ta’mim 753,171 10,282 3,970 Kirkuk 36
Babil 1,181,751 6,468 2,497 Al-Hillah 51
Baghdad 5,423,964 734 283 Baghdad 10
Dahuk 402,970 6,553 2,530 Dahuk 42
Dhi Qar 1,184,796 12,900 4,981 An-Nasiriyah 64
Diyala 1,135,223 19,076 7,365 Ba’qubah 32
Karbala 594,235 5,034 1,944 Karbala’ 56
Maysan 637,126 16,072 6,205 Al-Amarah 62
Ninawa 2,042,852 37,323 14,410 Mosul 41
Salah ad-Din 904,432 24,751 9,556 Tikrit 34
Wasit 783,614 17,153 6,623 Al-Kut 52
18 provinces 22,046,244 434,128 167,617

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