Iceland Information

Iceland Information

by Vishal Kumar

Information on Iceland covers a lot many things. It is situated in the northern Europe, an island between Greenland Sea & the North Atlantic Ocean, northwest of the UK. It was settled in 87 AD, by Ingolfur Amarson, who settled in Reykjavik.

Iceland was under the rule of the Norwegian king and also under the Danish king in 1381. It was forced to disown Catholicism and adopt Lutheranism. In 1944, 17th June it became independent and came to know as the Republic of Iceland.

One can reach Iceland by air or by sea. Total roadway of transportation is 12,691km. To see different places one can avail bus, rented car or taxi.

Information on Iceland shows that it is one of the wealthiest and least corrupted country. The main industries are fishing, tourism and high-tech industries. Illiteracy, poverty, prostitution, violent crime are unknown to Iceland.

Iceland is a less populated country with only 300,00 people. People get free health, free education. The standard of living is high.

Information on Iceland also provides you with information of the weather. You can enjoy the warm summer or the not so cold winter. So get ready for a wonderful trip to Iceland.

Iceland Weather

Unlike other locations adjacent to the Polar region, Iceland enjoys a cool and temperate climate, which results from the flow of the warm North Atlantic current. It has mild and windy winters and cool summers, a climate typical of the Scandinavian region.

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