Greenland Population

The Population of Greenland is 57,000 and the population growth rate is 0.03%. The birth rate is- 16.01births/1000population, whereas the death rate is- 7.93 death/ 1000 population. The migration rate is- 8.38 migrant/1000 population. Both the Greenlanders (88%) and Danish people (12%) inhabit the place. Greenland the Danish colonialism began in the 18th century. Later on, in 1953 it was made an integral part of Denmark. And granted self-government by the Danish parliament. It made its own parliament though Denmark still control foreign affairs.

Greenland Population has Margrethe II of Denmark as their queen and Hans Enoken of the social democratic Siumut party as their Prime Minister. The people live under a government that is a parliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy.

Greenland’s Population is concentrated along the coast but close to one-quarter of the population lives in the capital Nuuk, the world’s second-largest ice cap. The language used by them is mainly Greenlandic and also Danish. Christianity is a major religion. Many of the Eskimo people are engaged in hunting and fishing for survival.

Greenland’s Population survives on agriculture and industry. The agricultural products are forage crops, gardens, and greenhouse vegetables. Fish processing, gold, iron, uranium, diamond mining, niobium, and handicrafts come under the industry. The natural resources that they get are coal, lead, zinc, gas, oil, hydropower, whales, seals, etc. They often face social problems like unemployment (9.3%), alcoholism, and HIV/Aids.

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