Greenland Recipes

The recipes of Greenland are making their way into the international arena in recent years. The ingredients used in the Greenland recipes are unusual and rare. The recipes are mostly simple and made of seafood as Greenland is an island. Vegetables and fruits are almost absent from the menus of Greenland as those are mostly exported and are thus very expensive. Rice and potatoes are the two starch items that are used in the recipes of Greenland. The simplicity, healthiness, and usage of less spice in the recipes of Greenland food have made it popular among people around the world.

The two famous recipes of Greenland are:

  • Suaasat
    This is a traditional soup of Greenland consumed in every household. The ingredients required for this dish are one kg of meat of any kind, one onion, one or two carrots, herbs, pudding rice or barley, groats, and salt. The procedure of making it is also easy. The vegetables and meat have to be added to the water in the pot with the herbs. After the meat is fully cooked rice or barley should be added with salt as per one’s taste. This is a highly nutritious dish.
  • Barbequed Caribou
    The ingredients required for cooking this traditional Tibetan dish are one lb of caribou, one sliced onion, salt, vinegar, soya sauce, ketchup, paprika, chili powder, brown sugar, and water. The caribou has to be sliced into one-inch cubes and placed on a casserole dish with sliced onions. The rest of the ingredients have to be mixed together to form a paste and then poured over the meat. Then the meat has to be baked for two to three hours at 325 Fahrenheit before one can enjoy it.

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