Map of Thessaloniki, Greece

Facts about Thessaloniki

Country Greece
State Central Macedonia
Founded 315BC (2328 years ago) and IncorporatedOct. 1912
Area 111.703 km2
Population 813793 estimate
Lat Long Coordinates 40.65°N 22.9°E
Time Zone UTC+2.5
Language Greek
Major Religion Christian( Orthodox Christian )Muslim, Jews UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Point of interest White Tower Thessaloniki International Exhibition Center Hagia Sophia of Thessaloniki
Eleftherias Square central international railway station Church of the Acheiropoietos
The central building of the old market Ano Poli Church of Panagia Chalkeon.
The Metropolitan Church of Saint Gregory Palamas Mount Olympus Hagios Demetrios
Aristotelous Square. Byzantine fort
Zeitenlik Allied memorial military cemetery

Thessaloniki, Greece is a city with a rich history that dates back to 315 B.C. It is one of the oldest cities in Europe and is also the second largest city in Greece. The city is full of amazing sites that are rich in beauty as well as culture. Thessaloniki, Greece is considered one of the most visited cities in the country, and people from all over the world visit Thessaloniki to experience the cultural heritage of the country.

The location of Thessaloniki is easily accessible from several major parts of the country. The city belongs to the region of Macedonia Central in northern Greece. It is bordered by Chalkidiki on the south, Imathia on the west, Kilkis on the north, and Serres on the northeast. The bay, which opens into the Gulf Thermaikos, is placed alongside the city.

History of Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki was found by Cassander, the Macedonian King in about 315 B.C. on the ancient site of a settlement that dates back to 2300 B.C. The city was named after the queen who was also the sister of Alexander.

Later on, during the Byzantine era, Thessaloniki became the art and cultural center of the country. The city is home to several famous artists, musicians, poets, and writers of all time.

Thessaloniki Tourism

Tourism is one of the major aspects of Thessaloniki. There are various ancient sites and historical monuments located throughout the city. The museum ranges from the historical Jewish Museum and the White Tower to the recently established Children’s Museum and Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art. There are several churches, theatres, markets, and many more places to be seen within the city.

There are numerous hotels and other accommodation options located in every corner of the city. The restaurants that serve authentic Greek delicacies are always overcrowded with tourists as well as locals.

Today Thessaloniki has developed as one of the major trade and communication centers in the whole Mediterranean region.

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