Speck Spatial Tech Limited

Speck Spatial is a pioneer in the field of Geospatial Solutions. It is based in Hyderabad, India. It provides various services such as data conversion, remote sensing, GIS and cartographic services, ground control survey, and high quality photogrammetry. The company is known world wide for its quality. It offers services to its clients at affordable cost with high scalability. The geospatial services of company include ESRI, AutoDesk, Bentley, CadCorp, MapInfo. The company is also involved in Urban Planning and Management and Land Information System. It is a subsidiary, wholly owned by Speck Systems Limited, a company specializing in Photowrite Systems, Satcom Solutions, Shelters and Software applications.


Sri Manu’s Aroha Chambers,
Dr. A.S.Rao Nagar
Hyderabad 5000062,
Tel: +91 40 2713 3828, 66316070-74
Fax: +91 40 2712 0044
E-mail: tripathi.sd@speckspatial.tech.com
Web: www.speckspatialtech.com

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