Mapping Services

Mapping Services implies the services offered by means of map making. Mapping Services are gaining importance day by day because mapping plays an important role in planning, decision making and finally implementing the plan.

Different types of Map Services:

Mapping Services are mainly classified on the basis of their mode of availability and purpose.

  1. Classification of Mapping Services according to the mode of availability:
  • Online Mapping Service:These type are Mapping Services are available on the Internet and can be used by anyone for their personal reference or use. The name of some online Mapping Services along with their service description are enlisted below:
    • Google Earth: This is one of the most popular Mapping Services availed by the people. This gives a detailed 3-D view of the whole world with appreciable resolution.
    • Wikimapia: This Mapping Services come next to Google Earth and offers its user to mark and edit various places they like.
    • MapsofWorld: This website provides their users with detailed maps of various countries. Here mapping is done to cater the requirement of the users.
    • Map Builder: Map is basically Web2.0 service which helps to do custom mapping of Google and Yahoo maps without the assistance of Google/Yahoo maps API and Java Script. It gives us a better visual interface for the map creation processes with geocoding and import features.
    • GeoURL2.0: This is a reverse directory of location to URL. This allows the user to find the URLs nearest to their location.
    • Mappr!: This is an interactive platform for searching the places and know them better by the photos taken by the people.
    • This helps the user to track the visitor of their website through Google Maps.
  • Non-online Mapping Services:

Non-online Mapping Services implies various governmental and non-governmental organization which performs mapping for their various works. NATMO or National Atlas and Themetic Mapping Organization makes exclusive themetic maps and atlas maps. Mapping is also done by world organization like UNO, WHO, UNICEF, The North East Map Organization (NEMO) for various purposes.

  1. Classification of Mapping Services according to the purpose of mapping:
  • Educational Mapping Services:This type of Mapping Services are generally meant for educational purposes. Maps are one of the most popular medium of instruction in academic institution in various levels. This includes topographical maps, physical maps and various themetic maps.
  • Commercial Mapping Services:

Commercial Mapping Services includes the mapping which are done for assisting the various other works in different fields. They are follows:

    • One of the important commercial mapping is done for the tourism industry. Maps in tourism industry holds a very important place.
    • Mapping is done for aviation industry, navigation industry and others for locating their routes.
    • Exclusive mapping is done for the business and marketing purpose. Business Mapping Services are very popular with the business firms for launching and marketing their products in the market.
    • Mapping is also done for the planning purposes. Mapping Services has immense use in urban and rural planning, property management, agricultural planning, resource utilization, transportation management etc.
  • Confidential Mapping Services:

Confidential mapping is done exclusively by the defense ministry of the various countries. This mapping is generally done for defense or military purposes.

Thus, there are endless Mapping Services for catering the various needs of the people.

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