Remote Sensing Applications

Remote Sensing Applications covers a vast range of field ranging from atmosphere, biosphere to hydrosphere to even the geological composition of the earth surface. Due to such vast range of Applications Remote Sensing has gained considerable importance.


Remote Sensing Applications includes the following:

•  Classification of land cover: The physical appearance of the ground like forest, grassland, concrete constructions, water bodies, bare ground etc. can be identified. It must be noted that land use is different from land cover.

•  Detection of land cover change:Among other Remote Sensing Applications , this is necessary to detect changes in resource reserves and for updating the land cover and land use maps. Two ways of change detection can be identified:

•  Comparing two land cover maps

•  Integrating two land cover images into a color composite image.

Change of land cover can be of two types:

•  Seasonal change for example change in agricultural lands.

•  Annual change for example change in newly built-up areas.

•  Vegetation maps: NOAA produces global vegetation maps which can be interpreted for finding out the pattern of vegetation in specific areas, the distribution of vegetation, types of tress etc. Such maps are useful for comparison of vegetation in different countries and the respective governments of countries can take actions accordingly. Remote Sensing Applications , thus can also be used to save trees

•  Water quality monitoring: Water quality can be monitored through Remote Sensing Applications . The water quality can be assessed through following ways:

•  Water with suspended solid material: Clear water allows the radiation to penetrate deep and as a result it gives a bluish color. A turbid water with suspended solid materials do not allow the radiation to penetrate so deep and gives a greenish or yellowish color.

•  Plankton detection: Both chlorophyll in plankton bodies and suspended solid material modifies the sea color. Fishes are mostly found in plankton fill areas of sea, through Remote Sensing Applications it is possible to detect planktons which helps in fishing.

•  Ground water monitoring: Remote Sensing Applications are used to find out the geologic composition of a place. The geological composition affects the ground water. So it is possible to tell through Remote Sensing Applications the kind and quantity of ground water present in an area.

•  Detecting sea surface temperature: The temperature of the sea can be detected much accurately than land. Remote Sensing Applications in this respect will help to find out the sea characteristics in those areas like salinity, density etc.

•  Snow survey: Since snow has a very high reflectance, snow cover are easily detected by Remote Sensing Applications . This helps in finding out the amount of snow cover affected due to global warming.

•  Monitoring atmosphere: Different constituents in the atmosphere have different reflectance, which helps to identify the amount of suspended materials and other polluting particles in the atmosphere of respective countries.

•  Lineament extraction: This Remote Sensing Application identifies the linear pattern on the earth surface especially the faults, folds pattern.

•  Geological interpretation: Different rock emits differentially, as a result their composition, types and other attributes can be acquired Remote Sensing Applications .

•  Height measurement: Height of any tower, buildings or physical features can be detected by using stereoscopes on the imageries.

Remote Sensing Applications are expected to increase manifold in coming years.

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World Agency of Planetary Monitoring and Earthquake Risk Reduction

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