Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements

Radio Detection and Ranging or Radar is used for mainly detecting the amount of precipitation or forecasting precipitation preferably thunderstorms. In Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements geospatial elements can be seen in different multilayer. The multilayer in Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements include topography maps, highways, state and country boundaries as well as forecasts weather disasters.

Origin of Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements :

The Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements known as RIDGE was prepared in the National Weather Southern Region along with the North Central Texas Councils of Governments (NCTCOG). The staff found out that polygon warnings were issued to local forecast office by the council. So it was thought that if this system is developed into more enhanced system of Radar it would help general people. This gave rise to Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements .

Features of the Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements :

Looping image and Current image of Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements helps with the necessary informations. The images are available in a GIF format, so it is easy to access for any individual who knows to use the net. The viewer can choose any one image and pick out from the ambit of overlays given beneath the display of Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements . Availability of the service in National Weather Service website of U.S.A for all days a week and for 24 hours. The Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements Radar Images consists of a world file along with it, which enables viewers to put the images above any other type of customised map.

Features of Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements


Looping Image

Current image

Toggle overlays on/off

Turns off and on the overlay graphics which consists of topography, actual radar image, countries, rivers, highways, cities, warnings and legends



Mouse Over Image Swap

Loads extra images like base reflectivity, composite reflectivity, base velocity, storm relative motion, one-hour precipitation and storm total precipitation.



Range Bearing Finder

Identifies the relative and actual location



Determining Distance to and from object

Helps to find out the distance from and to the object



Determining Latitude and Longitude

Determines location in terms of latitude and longitude



Zoom and Pan

Enables the functions of zoom in and pan around the respective image



Automatic Update

Updates the loop automatically after every 5 minutes



Omitting Bad Images

This feature helps to remove the bad images that appear occasionally on the images of Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements .



Use of Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements :

•  Portrays warning polygons over topographical maps

•  Shows the distance between two particular objects

•  Shows the speed and direction of the wind especially cyclones.

•  Shows the location of the storm, depressions or cyclone. Thus individuals can locate themselves with respect to the storm.

•  Helps to spread awareness among individuals and thus saves life and property.

Thus Integrated Radar Display With Geospatial Elements is really helpful to mankind and provides an enhanced version of Radar Images .

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