Cadastral Mapping

Cadastral Mapping is the preparation of a Cadastre Map which shows the details of boundaries, extent of lands or plots and the details of ownerships. Cadastral Mapping is done mainly for administrative purposes by department of governments.

Types of Cadastral Mapping :

•  Town Mapping involves the creation of maps of different towns giving land information in detail. It can be subdivided into two types:

•  Ward Cadastre Map s are maps of different wards of a city giving plot characteristics.

•  Block Cadastre Map s show the block division of a town.

•  Village Mapping involves preparation of maps showing plot division in village and their ownership details. Survey field map is a type of village mapping. These Cadastre Map s contain detail information about the ownership and the landlords.

Data Types in Cadastral Mapping :

•  Spatial Data: This is a spatial database contains information about survey data, coordinates, dimensions, acreage and description of boundaries. The survey data is stored because of historical reference in future.

•  Non-Spatial Data: This component of Cadastral Mapping can be subdivided into following types:

•  Ownership details

•  Market Value

•  Land Use

•  Tax Value

•  Legal Authority in charge of the land

•  Pictures of Plan, Elevation and other construction on the plot.

•  Details of Encumbrance

•  Demographic details

•  Socio-Economic details.

Cadastral Mapping Preparation :

•  Ground Survey in Cadastral Mapping Cadastral Mapping can be prepared through organizing ground survey. Ground survey is undertaken by different governmental organization. Government employees or researchers visits the required region and does the survey. They carry measurement tapes and cartographic instruments like dumpy level, compass and measures the land or plot in detail. Ground Survey takes several days. Cadastre Map s are prepared depending on their sayings and the measurements which they have taken in the field. This process of Cadastral Mapping also involves a lot of manpower. Before the advent of aerial photography, Cadastral Mapping was done by ground survey. Even now it is used in many areas by the government.

•  Air Survey in Cadastral Mapping : This is a recent invention done after aerial photography was discovered. Cameras mounted on the air-borne platforms capture pictures of different features on the earth surface. Low level aerial photography is suitable for Cadastral Mapping . The principal points are identified on each photograph and then the photos are overlapped for interpretation of the imageries. A series of overlapping aerial photos must be taken to avoid errors. Photogrammetry is an important process used for Cadastral Mapping .


Local Language in Cadastral Mapping :

Cadastral Mapping is done for the benefits of local inhabitants of villages and towns. Often the local people speak dialects which is different from the national language of the state, so the Cadastre Map s are prepared in local languages.


Analyzing Cadastral Mapping :

Cadastral Mapping can be used for analyzing the following:

•  Land use changes and the causes behind it.

•  Assessment of property tax and preparation of thematic maps depending on tax value.

•  Land assessment for breaking of rules or violation of any code.

•  Analyzing the sales transaction of any plot

•  Analyzing the plot for planning purpose.

So, Cadastral Mapping is truly an important source of information !

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