Allen Osborne

Allen Osborne

by Aakash Singha

Allen Osborne is an important company in the world market which is known as a manufacturer of GPS (Global Positioning System). Allen Osborne Associate Inc. is particularly known for its creation and manufacturing of high quality GPS technology.

Allen Osborne Associate Inc. was established in 1978, just after the emergence of GPS technology in the world’s scientific market. Allen Osborne is located at:

Allen Osborne Associate Inc.
756 Lakefield Road
Westlake Village,
California 91361-2624
The products of Allen Osborne has gained importance in the recent years with the increased use of GPS in various scientific spheres. Some of the noteworthy products of Allen Osborne Associate Inc. are:

  • Rascal
  • Turbostar
  • SNR-8100
  • SNR-8000
  • TTR-4P

The most important features of these products are the level of accuracy and precision which they provide to its users. The various uses of these instruments are:

  • Measurement of the distance between the continents as precise as few millimeters
  • Calculation of the time transfer with precision of less than one nano-second
  • Military GPS Solution

Allen Osborne Associate Inc. thus appears to be the leader in the production and innovation of GPS technology.

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