Bourgogne Region Map

Bourgogne Region Map

by Vishal Kumar


The French Metropolitan Region of Bourgogne is one of the 26 regions of France. The capital of this region is Dijon. Dijon is famous as a gastronomic center. The departments of this region are Yonne, Cote-d’Or, Nievre and Saone-et-Loire. The region has around 15 arrondissements, 174 cantons and 2,045 communes. The total land area covered by this region is 31,582 square kilometers.

Bourgogne is made up of a number of old provinces.

This historic region is located in East Central France. The fertile Rhone and Saone River Valleys are an integral part of this region. Burgundy’s wine is popular across the world. The wine of the Cote d’Or (“Golden Slope” ) has enjoys great popularity.


Under the Roman rule, the region prospered tremendously. By the 5th century, the Burgundii, a Germanic tribe settled in this region. It was a part of the Frankish kingdom under Merovingians in 534 AD. Later in 751 Ad, it became a part of the Carolingians.

In 9th century, after the partition of the Carolingian Empire, two Burgundian states were formed. These were Lower Burgundy (Provence and Upper Burgundy.

Later the duchy of Burgundy and the free County of Burgundy were formed.

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