Fiji Language

Fiji Language is widely spoken and it’s a mixture of different dialects. English is a common Language of Fiji and almost everyone speaks English in Fiji Island.

The pronunciation of the Fijians is similar to English but there are some slight changes in the phonetic. Fiji has three official languages and they are English, Bau Fijian and Hindustani but English is the main medium of communication in Fiji.

English is the main medium of communicating and it is used in education medium, commerce and in courts. The Fijians, however, have the right to communicate in any of their three official languages. The Fiji Culture has originated from the Austronesian family of languages and therefore has many dialects but main language is Bau Fijian.

The alphabets of Fiji Language are similar to the English letters but here the letter x is not present and h and z are rarely used. So the Fiji language is a simpler one and with the influence of English this Fiji Language is easier for anybody to understand and they can learn it easily.

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