Eritrea information or information on Eritrea sums up all possible data on Eritrea such as the historical background, the topography of Eritrea, the political issues, the demographics study, the health concerns and the likes. The evidence of primitive lives is clear from certain archaeological
findings in various parts of Eritrea. Even in the Sembel Archaeological site a village has been found which proves excellent building plans.
In this respect the population of Eritrea holds a very strong issue when it comes o information on Eritrea.
The people of Eritrea speak different languages such as Tigre, Afar, Bega, Saho, Nara, Bilen, Kunama, Tigrigna and Arabic. The last two languages are considered the working languages Eritrea. Analyzing the religious faith of Eritrea, most of the people are either Muslims or Christians. The Christians in Eritrea are of three types, the Roman Catholics, the Lutheran Protestants and the Orthodox Christians.
The present Eritrea population is 4,447,307 as of the estimation made in 2004 with a growth of about 2.57 % every year. The infant mortality rate in Eritrea counts to 7.559% 6.794 % deaths in case of male children and 8.303 % deaths for the female children. The birth rate in Eritrea counts to 39.03 births every 1000 heads as against only 13.36 deaths every 1000 deaths.