New York Election Results 2016 Map by County

Newyork map showing party wise Presidential Election Results of 2008 and 2012.

United States presidential election in New York, 2012

Party Candidate Running mate Votes Percentage Electoral votes
Democratic Barack Obama NA 4337622 61.25% NA
Working Families Barack Obama NA 148119 2.09% NA
Total Barack Obama Joe Biden 4485877 63.35% 29
Republican Mitt Romney NA 2228060 31.46% NA
Conservative Mitt Romney NA 262371 3.71% NA
Total Mitt Romney Paul Ryan 2490496 35.17% 0
Libertarian Gary Johnson Jim Gray 47256 0.67% 0
Green Jill Stein Cheri Honkala 39982 0.56% 0
Write-Ins Write-Ins NA 9076 0.13% 0
Constitution Virgil Goode Jim Clymer 6274 0.09% 0
Socialism and Liberation Peta Lindsay Yari Osorio 2050 0.03% 0
Justice (Write-in) Rocky Anderson (Write-in) Luis J. Rodriguez 217 >0.01% 0
Freedom Socialist (Write-in) Stephen Durham Christina López 34 >0.01% 0
America’s (Write-in) Tom Hoefling J.D. Ellis 34 >0.01% 0
Socialist Workers (Write-in) James Harris Maura DeLuca 27 >0.01% 0
Socialist Equality (Write-in) Jerry White Phyllis Scherrer 19 >0.01% 0
Twelve Visions (Write-in) Jill Reed Tom Cary 12 >0.01% 0
American Third Position (Write-in) Merlin Miller Virginia Abernethy 6 >0.01% 0
Totals 7081536 100.00% 29

United States presidential election in New York, 2008

Party Candidate Running mate Votes Percentage Electoral votes
Democratic Barack Obama NA 4645332 60.80% NA
Working Families Barack Obama NA 159613 2.09% NA
Total Barack Obama Joe Biden 4804945 62.88% 31
Republican John McCain NA 2418323 31.65% NA
Conservative John McCain NA 170475 2.23% NA
Independence John McCain NA 163973 2.15% NA
Total John McCain Sarah Palin 2752771 36.03% 0
Populist Ralph Nader Matt Gonzalez 41249 0.54% 0
Libertarian Bob Barr Wayne Allyn Root 19596 0.26% 0
Green Cynthia McKinney Rosa Clemente 12801 0.17% 0
Socialist Workers James Harris Alyson Kennedy 3615 0.05% 0
Write-ins Write-ins NA 3272 0.04% 0
Socialism and Liberation Gloria La Riva Eugene Puryear 1639 0.02% 0
Constitution (Write-in) Chuck Baldwin Darrell Castle 646 0.01% 0
Independent (Write-in) Ron Paul NA 341 >0.01% 0
America’s Independent (Write-in) Alan Keyes Brian Rohrbough 35 >0.01% 0
Socialist Equality (Write-in) Jerry White Bill Van Auken 18 >0.01% 0
Socialist (Write-in) Brian Moore Stewart Alexander 10 >0.01% 0
Independent (Write-In) Lanakila Washington NA 3 >0.01% 0
Heartquake ’08 (Write-In) Jonathan E. Allen NA 1 >0.01% 0
Independent (Write-In) Michael Skok NA 1 >0.01% 0
Totals 7640948 100.00% 31

Delegate count for each candidate in the New York primaries/caucuses

Delegates Republican Party                                                0893
Ted Cruz Donald Trump John Kasich                                0255075100
Delegates Democratic Party                                                139108
Hillary Clinton Bernie Sanders                                           050100150


Candidates Total Votes % Votes Del.
Ted Cruz 126151 14.5 0
Donald Trump 524932 60.40 89
John Kasich 217904 25.1 3
Candidates Total Votes % Votes Del.
Hillary Clinton 1054083 58 139
Bernie Sanders 763469 42 108

United States presidential election in New York, 2004

Party Candidate Popular votes Percentage Electoral votes
Democratic John Kerry 4180755 56.57% NA
Working Families John Kerry 133525 1.81% NA
Total John Kerry 4314280 58.37% 31
Republican George W. Bush 2806993 37.98% NA
Conservative George W. Bush 144797 1.96% NA
Total George W. Bush 2962567 40.08% 0
Independence Ralph Nader 84247 1.14% NA
Peace and Justice Ralph Nader 15626 0.21% NA
Total Ralph Nader 99873 1.35% 0
Libertarian Michael Badnarik 11607 0.16% 0
Socialist Workers Roger Calero 2405 0.03% 0
Constitution (Write-In) Michael Peroutka 363 >0.01% 0
Green (Write-In) David Cobb 138 >0.01% 0
Independent (Write-In) John J. Kennedy 8 >0.01% 0
Independent (Write-In) Michael Halpin 4 >0.01% 0
Socialist Equality Bill Van Auken 4 >0.01% 0
Totals 7391036 100.00% 31

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