USA Presidential Candidates 2008

Democratic Party Candidates

As an American politician of success and eminence, Mike Gravel started his political career as a dedicated member of the US Democratic Party.
Though popular as the former First Lady of the United States of America, Hillary Clinton has an independent existence of her own in the American political scenario.

The Connecticut-born Chris Dodd is recognized with the senior Democratic Party leaders of United States Senate.

Democrat Joe Biden rose to prominence in American politics after being elected to the United States Senate in 1972.

Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize Winner for year 2009 is the 44th president of USA, to head the country of USA.

Prior to contesting for the 2008 Unites States Presidential Election, the 31-years old Congressman Dennis Kucinich was well known as the Mayor of Cleveland in 1977.

John Edwards has a successful political career as the loyal member of the Democratic Party of United states of America.

Bill Richardson has received the candidacy for the 2008 presidential election scheduled to be held in the year 2008.

Republicans Party Candidates

Sam Brownback is one of the Republican political figures of United States of America.

Duncan Hunter is the Republican American politician who has been a member in the House of Representatives since 1981.

In 2008 US presidential elections Tom Tancredo has been nominated as one of the candidates. Tom Tancredo has a solid political background.

Mike Huckabee is one of the Republican candidates contending for the US presidential election scheduled to be held in the year 2008.

Fred Thompson has been selected as one of the eligible candidate for the post of the USA president, 2008.

Mitt Romney for President is a well deserving candidate for US Presidential elections. Mitt has been one of the successful business men of USA.

Tommy Thompson’s rise to American politics was from representative level to the position of the Governor of Wisconsin.

Rudy Giuliani has been nominated for the candidacy of the 2008 US Presidential Election.

Rudy Giuliani for president is the Republican politician of America from the state of New York.

Ron Paul for president is one of the distinguished nominees of 2008 presidential elections by US Republicans.

Jim Gilmore was born on 6th of October in the year 1949. Gilmore’s full name is James Stuart “Jim” Gilmore III.

Independent Presidential Candidates

Blake Ashby is an independent candidate from the Missouri region of U.S.A at the 2008 U.S Presidential elections.
Steve Kissing is running for the honorable position of US President in the 2008 US Presidential Election as an Independent Candidate.

Michael David Elder is contesting for the honorable position of the US President in 2008 US Presidential Election as an Independent Candidate.

Cris Ericson is one of the independent candidates for the 2008 U.S.

Richard H. Clark is a candidate of the New American Independent Party who has been nominated for the 2008 U.S. presidential election from the Maryland region.

Arthur J. Regan is an independent candidate who is contesting for the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections from the Massachusetts region.

Quay Fortuna is an independent contestant from Iowa region for the 2008 U.S. presidential elections and is supported by the Ward Republic Party, which was founded by him.

Charles Maxham is contesting for the honorable position of US President in 2008 US Presidential Election as an Independent Candidate.

Gary Rostad is an independent candidate who is contesting for the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections from the California region.

Michael Mic Tienken (Minnesota) is one of the most prominent and potential candidates contesting the United States Presidential Election, scheduled in 2008.

Joe Martyniuk is running for the honorable position of US President in the 2008 US Presidential Election as an Independent Candidate.

Clark B. Braxton is an independent candidate who has nominated himself for the post of U.S. President at the 2008 elections from the California region.

Ben Thompson is contesting for the honorable position of US President in the 2008 US Presidential Election as an Independent Candidate.

Terry “Tee” Barkdull is an influential independent candidate who has nominated himself for the 2008 U.S.

Frank Zilaitis has filed his nomination to fight the 2008 US Presidential Election for the honorable position of US President as an Independent Candidate.

David Koch is running for the honorable position of US President in the 2008 US Presidential Election as an Independent Candidate.

Stephen P. “Steve” Adams is an independent candidate who has nominated himself for the post of President at the 2008 U.S. Green Party Candidates Rebecca Rotzler is one of the very prospective nominations of the Green Party in the US 2008 Presidential Election.
Kat Swift is an America based political activist, spokesperson for the Green Party’s National Women Caucus since the year 2006 and served as former co-chairman of the Green Party of Texas until summer of 2007.

Jesse Johnson was born near Lebanon in Wilson County on 18th November 1812. After his initial academic education Jesse Johnson’s career began in 1836 Seminole War as the captain of mounted volunteers.

Elaine Brown was born on 2nd March, 1943 in a Pennsylvanian city Philadelphia. She grew up to be a prison activist, singer and a writer in the Afro-American community.

Gail Parker for US Senate is an active nominee of the Green Party Presidential Campaign for the US 2008 Presidential Election.

Cynthia McKinney, also known as Cynthia Ann McKinney, was born on 17th of March in the year 1955.

Dr. Jared Ball was the front runner for the Presidential nomination from the Green Party of the United States.

As a significant Third Party candidate, Average Joe Schriner is among a handful of representatives of the Green Party contesting the upcoming 2008 United States Presidential Election.

Ralph Nader a candidate of Green Party Presidential Campaign of US 2008 Presidential Election was born on 27th February in 1934.

Constitution Party Candidates

Alan Keyes can be easily called the philosopher and politician of Constitution party.

Don Grundman is a Constitution Party candidate contesting for the candidature in the 2008 US Presidential Elections.

Born in the year 1949, Jim Gilchrist has many commendable feats to his name like laying the foundation of the multi – ethnic Minuteman Project.

Chuck Baldwin is one of the important Constitution Party Candidates for the 2008 US Presidential Elections.

Diane Beall Templin is one of the presidential candidates for the Constitution Party in the 2008 US Presidential Elections. Socialist Party Candidates Stewart Alexander is contesting the honorable post of US Vice President in 2008 US Presidential Election as a candidate of Socialist Party.

Constantino “Tino” Rozzo is an eligible candidate contesting the 2008 US Presidential Election on behalf of the Socialist Party.

Brian Moore is running for the honorable post of the US President in the 2008 US Presidential Election as a candidate of the Socialist Party.

Bruce Burleson is contesting for the honorable post of US President in 2008 US Presidential Election as a candidate of Socialist Party.

Dwight Welch is a strong candidate for the US Presidential elections 2008, representing the Socialist Party.

Evan Gelobter is expected to contest in the 2008 US Presidential Election on the ticket of Socialist Party.

Tanley Hetz is a possible candidate to contest in the 2008 US Presidential Election on the ticket of the Socialist Party.

David Frey is expected to contest in the 2008 US Presidential Election as a candidate of Socialist Party.

Norma J. F. Harrison is expected to be contesting in the 2008 US Presidential Election on the ticket of the Socialist Party.

Libertarian Party Candidates

Steve Kubby is an influential and one of the strongest candidates of the Libertarian Party who has submitted his candidature for the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections.

Dave Hollist is one of the strongest candidates for the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections.

Robert Milnes is a progressive activist member from New Jersey who is a potential candidate of 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections.

Bob Jackson is an elected candidate for the 2008 U.S. presidential election from the Libertarian Party.

Christine Smith is contesting for the 2008 US Presidential Elections as a candidate of Libertarian Party.

Dan Imperato is one of the first independent candidates to announce his candidature for the 2008 U. S. Presidential elections on 21 July, 2006.

Alden Link is one of the nominated 2008 presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party for the 2008 U.S. Presidential elections.

George Phillies is contesting the 2008 US Presidential Elections as a candidate of the Libertarian Party.

Wayne Allyn Root is contesting for the 2008 US Presidential Elections as the candidate of the Libertarian Party.

Ed Thompson is likely to contest for the honorable position of US President in the 2008 US Presidential Election.

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