El Salvador Population

EL Salvador is situated on the western coast of Central America. It borders the North Pacific Ocean between Honduras and Guatemala. According to the Census report of July 2007, EL Salvador is estimated to have a population of 6,948,073 people. About 90% of El Salvador’s population is Spanish and Indian, referred to as ‘ Mestizo’. 1% of the population belongs to an indigenous group.

Few Indians living here have held back their original traditions and customs. Most of the people living here are Roman Catholic though the number of Protestants is increasing rapidly. The percentage of Roman Catholics is 52%. Spanish is the national language and is commonly spoken by all the inhabitants of this country.

San Salvador, the capital of EL Salvador has a population of 1.4million inhabitants. 48% of the population dwells in the rural areas of the country. Over the years a significant increase in the growth of the population in EL Salvador has been recorded.

The current population of El Salvador is 6.55 million people. It has been recorded that the annual growth of population in the country between 1991 to 1997 was 2.2%. According to an estimation in 2005, the annual growth rate of the population is 1.7%. The percentage of different ethnic groups residing in EL Salvador are:

  • Caucasian 9%
  • Mestizo 90%
  • Amerindians 5%
  • Indigenous 1%

The population of El Salvador also includes Swiss, Turks, Lebanese, Syrians, Chinese, and Germans

El Salvador’s Population is a mixture of Spanish, Indians, and other indigenous groups.

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