El Salvador Governmrnt

El Salvador Governmrnt

by Vishal Kumar

El Salvador Government is a republican set up. The Government of El Salvador is headed by a President assisted by a council of ministers. El Salvador Governmental Institutions include El Salvador Executive, El Salvador Legislature, El Salvador Judiciary and El Salvador Military.

El Salvador politics is dominated by the Christian Democratic Party (PDC) and National Republican Alliance (ARENA).

The Republic of El Salvador is headed by President Mauricio Funes. El Salvador celebrates her independence day on 15th September. The Republic of El Salvador adopted its constitution on 20th December, 1983.

El Salvador Executive

El Salvador executive is headed by the President elected by popular vote. The Vice President is also elected in the same ticket. The President serves a term of five years. The El Salvador President is also the head of the government. He is assisted by a council of ministers which he selects.

President Mauricio Funes of FMLN won the Presidential elections in June 2009 by securing 51.32% of the total votes.

El Salvador Legislature

El Salvador legislature consists of a 84 seat unicameral Legislative Assembly. The members of the Legislative Assembly are elected by direct popular vote for a three year period. In the last assembly elections held in March 2006 ARENA won 34 seats, FMLN secured 32 seats, PCN got 10 seats, PDC won 6 seats and CD got the remaining 2 seats.

El Salvador Judiciary

El Salvador Judiciary is comprised of the Supreme Court, the judges of which are selected by the Legislative Assembly.

El Salvador Military

El Salvador military includes Salvadoran Army (ES), Salvadoran Air Force (FAS) and Salvadoran Navy (FNES).

El Salvador Government also sets up diplomatic relations with foreign nations.

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