Education in El Salvador

Education in El Salvador

by Vishal Kumar

El Salvador Education is supported in the country by a well organized and well articulated educational system. Most of the goals that have been set for the improvement and optimization of the educational system of El Salvador has been implemented.

Schools in El Salvador

There are a large number of schools in El Salvador, which aims at providing the basic education to all the probable students of the country. The most important goal for the government of El Salvador is to make education available to all the children of the country. The primary and secondary schools follow a well framed curriculum, which is decided by the Ministry of Education of El Salvador. There is large number of private and public educational institutions in the country.

Universities of El Salvador

El Salvador is the country of universities. Undoubtedly, some of the best universities of the world are situated in this Central American country. The universities of El Salvador prepare their students not only academically, but also for a successful professional future.

Some of the important and popular universities of El Salvador are listed below:-

  • University of El Salvador
  • Universdad Politecnica de El Salvador
  • Universidad del Salvador
  • Universidad Catolica de Occidente
  • Universidad Luterana Salvadorena
  • Universidad Albert Einstein

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