Christmas in El Salvador

Christmas in El Salvador

Description : Map showing famous christmas destinations to visit in El Salvador.

Christmas in El Salvador

It is a magical time in El Salvador during Christmas. It is their biggest holiday of the year, which is accompanied by the cool breeze and fresh spring-like weather. Since a majority of the population is Roman Catholic, and a sizeable group is Protestant, Christmas is celebrated by a majority of people across the country.

The major cities and towns in El Salvador where Christmas is celebrated are: San Salvador, Santa Ana, Soyapango, San Miguel, Santa Tecla, Mejicanos, Apopa, Delgado, Ahuachapán, and Ilopango.

The holiday in El Salvador is celebrated by the entire family, as they attend mass gatherings together on Christmas Eve and return home to a grand feast. Roasted turkey, potato salad, rice, chicken, and alcohol are enjoyed at the dinner table, accompanies by beverages such as soda, rum, or wine, called gaseosas. Children are served fruit juice or horchata, which is a mixture of milk, pumpkin seeds, and cocoa beans. While children wait for the arrival of Santa Claus, they also play with fireworks. The sparklers light up the night. Singing and dancing are also a part of the celebration.

Most Catholics in El Salvador set up a beautifully decorated Christmas trees in their homes. They also create a Nativity scene that depicts the baby Jesus in his manger with Mother Mary and Joseph, and the three wise men who came to honor him with precious gifts. Created out of sawdust and straw, these simple but beautiful nativity scenes are the centerpiece of a family Christmas in El Salvador.

As the clock approaches midnight, the family gathers around the Christmas tree and everyone opens their presents and wishes each other. Christmas in El Salvador is a combination of religious worship, family togetherness, and holiday cheer for all.

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