Egypt Natural Resources

Egypt Natural Resources

by Vishal Kumar

The Oil and Natural Gas of Egypt

The natural resources of Egypt mainly refer to the oil and gas of Egypt. The oil reserves of Egypt draw huge annual revenues from its export profits. The newly discovered oilfields in the Mediterranean seabed have opened up fresh opportunities for reviving the country’s oil export business. The 3.7 million barrel reserve that Egypt previously possessed, now have more than doubled the reserve figures. The markets of Turkey and Israel are the chief targets of Egypt.

Minerals and Other Natural Resources of Egypt

There are of course other natural resources as well. These include iron ore, phosphate, limestone, manganese,talc, zinc, asbestos and gypsum. However, the analysis of the Egyptian natural resources would remain incomplete without the consideration of those resources, which had been bringing prosperity to the land of Egypt in the ancient times of Pharoic domination.

  • Honey : 

    Bees have been cultivated in Egypt since ancient times for the production of wax and honey. Egyptian honey was used as a medicinal base, as a sweetener and as an offering to the Gods. Lotus honey was the most precious of them all.

  • Papyris Plant : 

    The Egyptians were the pioneers for making papers. Papers were first made from papyrus. They wished to keep the production method of papyrus paper a secret and hence, never left behind any record or hints of the same. They made huge profits from the papyrus papers that were exported.

  • River Nile : 

    The water of river Nile can be considered among the bestnatural resources of Egypt as the water can be used differently for cultivation of the land and production of hydroelectric power. The river Nile is the reason behind the flourishing civilization of the Nile valley.

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