Cairo Population

Cairo is one of the most densely populated capital cities in the world. Cairo’s population is approximately 17 million. It is the most populous metropolitan area in Africa and ranks 16th among the most populous metro area in the world. The majority of the population in Cairo are Egyptians, with less number of foreigners.

Egyptians, Berbers, Bedouin, Hamitic Arabs, and Nubians are different ethnic groups in the Cairo population. Most Egyptians are Sunni Muslims and the Christians in Cairo are mainly of Coptic origin.

Christians dominated the population of Cairo before the Muslim invasion. The density of Cairo’s population within the city is high than in the suburbs. The inner city population in Cairo is swelling daily with the influx of workers from the suburbs. These workers migrate to the city in search of livelihood and better living conditions.

The increase in the population of Cairo shows an upward trend. One-third of the total population in Cairo is under 15 and nearly three-fifths are under 30.

The positive implication is that Cairo’s population is relatively young. The life expectancy average for both men and women is 70 years. The literacy rate of Cairo is around 52 %.

The Government of Egypt has adopted positive measures to control the burgeoning population in the city. It is encouraging people to adopt effective birth control measures and is fast spreading the idea of family planning. Education among women ranks high in priority. Cairo has addressed its population growth in a unique way. The government feels that population growth can be stabilized by education and advancement of women and by assigning them more political and economic power.

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