Djibouti Population

Djibouti population consists of a dominant tribe of the Somali origin. The Issa tribe dominates the total population count of Djibouti. The native Afar tribe also has a noteworthy presence.

Majority of the Djibouti population resides in urban areas. This is due to the scarcity of resources in rural areas. The population of Djibouti consists of people of Somali origin like the Issas, Issak and Gadaboursi along with the native Afar tribe.

All the African residents of Djibouti speak the Cushitic language and its variations. The population to a large part follows the Islamic religion. An economically powerful section of the population in Djibouti belongs to the Arab origin. The Arabs constitute about 5% of the total population of Djibouti.

The demographics of Djibouti exhibit a marked tilt towards Djibouti citizens of Somali origin. This has led to civil disturbances in the African nation. The Djibouti citizens from Arab origin dominate the economic landscape of the country. They also control a portion of trade and commerce in the country. Conflict within Djibouti society is further aggravated by the absence of natural resources and intellectual capital. The land is not fertile and yields no major crops. There is little scope for agriculture based industries for meaningful employment generation. A low intellectual capital has forced Djibouti to venture into service industries.

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