RTD Djibouti

RTD Djibouti is the main operator of Radio Djibouti and Djibouti Television. RTD Djibouti is the acronym of Radiodiffusion Télévision de Djibouti. RTD Djibouti has national broadcasts as well as international network. The national network broadcasts of RTD Djibouti are available in Afar, Somali and Arabic language, whereas the international network broadcast of RTD Djibouti is available in the French language. The programs that are broadcast by RTD Djibouti are closely scrutinized by the Government of Djibouti.

Radio Djibouti is transmitted on medium wave (AM) as well as on Frequency Modulation (FM). The AM transmitter of RTD Djibouti broadcasts mainly the Radio Sawa programs to Arabia and East Africa. These programs are relayed in the Arabic language. These programs are mainly sponsored by the United States of America. The FM transmitter of RTD Djibouti relays the Voice of America and BBC extensively.

Djibouti Television, operated by RTD Djibouti is transmitted on high beam. This technology helps in the production of rich quality of sound display for the viewers. The news programs are available in Somali and Afar. The sports programs are telecast live quite often. Movies as well music videos are broadcast too by RTD Djibouti. The programs on Islam religion are telecast very frequently during the festive months like Ramadan.

The viewers are offered the flexibility to post their feedback about the programs telecasted by RTD Djibouti either by sending mails either to the postal address of RTD Djibouti or the official website of RTD Djibouti.

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