Djibouti Geography

A harsh hot climate and non fertile landscape features form the unique characteristics of geography of Djibouti.

Geography Djibouti could be divided into three non distinct areas. A mountainous terrain forms the central area of the African country. Another feature in the geography of Djibouti is the central mountains, which demarcates the sea-side coastal plains and the plateau. The lowest elevation point in Djibouti geography is Lac Assal. Lac Assal is situated 155 meters below sea level. The highest point of Djibouti is Moussa Ali. Moussa Ali is located 2,028 meters above sea level.

Djibouti Land and People

The land area of Djibouti is 22,980 square kilometers. The total area of the east African country under the territorial jurisdiction of Djibouti comes to 23,000 square kilometers. This figure includes Djibouti areas covered under water. Djibouti is prone to tectonic disturbances like earthquakes. Rainfall is scanty and erratic. The land of Djibouti shares international borders with Somalia in the southeastern part. Eritrea borders the country to the north. Djibouti shares a common border with Ethiopia in the west and southern part of the country.

The people of Djibouti consist of two African tribes: the Issa of Somali origin and the native Afars. The Issa forms the majority of the population in Djibouti. They also represent a potent political force. This has led to a fierce civil war between the Issas and the Afars. Further tension in the country is catalyzed by the issue of racial origins between Djibouti people of Arabic and African descent. The Arab population is economically more powerful in Djibouti and possesses disproportionately more political power when compared to their numbers in the Djibouti population. The economy of the country is based on service industries.

Djibouti Natural Resources

Natural resources are those substances which are naturally found in a place and serve as useful substance in its natural form. Fishing, hunting, forestry, mining are natural resource industries. Djibouti, a small country in the eastern Africa is mostly barren. The industries as well as Djibouti natural resources are very limited. The hot and dry climate makes agricultural activities difficult here. As a result the country is highly dependent on the foreign assistances, which it receives from USA, France and other countries.

Djibouti natural resources can be mainly categorized as minerals and energy resources.The minerals found here are: Salt, Perlite, Gypsum, Limestone, Gold, Granite, Pumice, Petroleum, Diatomite.

The various forms of energy that are derived from natural resources in Djibouti include: Geothermal Energy, Solar Energy

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