Zeitzonen Weltkarte

Zeitzonen Weltkarte

by Vishul Malik

Zeitzonen Weltkarte

Weltkarte der Zeitzonen:

Die Zeitzonen wurden erstellt, um die Tageszeit rund um die Erde aufgrund der Erdrotation zu standardisieren. Vor den Zeitzonen und Uhren wurde die Sonnenuhr verwendet, um die lokale Sonnenzeit zu ermitteln, die über das Jahr je nach Jahreszeit und Längengrad variierte. Jede Stadt hatte basierend auf dem Längengrad ihre eigene lokale Standardzeit.

Mit der Globalisierung entstand ein zunehmender Bedarf nach einer Standardisierung der Zeitzonen, insbesondere für das Transportwesen (nämlich Eisenbahn) und die Kommunikation über Längengrade hinweg. Während Seefahrer begannen ein System zur Verfolgung von Zeitzonen zu entwickeln, florierte das Konzept in den 1800-er Jahren, als die Eisenbahn ein populäres Fortbewegungsmittel wurde.

Während der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts wurden verschiedene Methoden für ein standardisiertes Zeitzonensystem vorgeschlagen, welche die Vereinigten Staaten in mehrere Zeitzonen unterteilten, jede mit einem Abstand von einer Stunde. Das weltweite System wurde 1879 von Sandford Fleming vorgeschlagen, welches die Erde in 24 Zeitzonen unterteilte, beginnend in Greenwich, dem 180. Meridian und jeweils im Abstand von 15°.

Heute werden diese Weltzeitzonen wie auf der oben gezeigten Karte umgesetzt. Die meisten Länder folgen der stundenweisen Abweichung, obwohl sie aus Gründen der Bequemlichkeit nicht immer mit den Längengraden übereinstimmen, um das gesamte Land einzubeziehen. Einige Länder, einschließlich Indien und Iran, verwenden stattdessen halbstündliche Abweichungen und einige wählen einfach nur eine Zeitzone für das gesamte Land, wie China.

Liste der Zeitzonen nach Land

Land Anzahl der Zeitzonen Zeitzonen
Afghanistan 1 UTC+04:30
Albanien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Algerien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Andorra 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
angola 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Antigua und Barbuda 1 UTC−04:00 (AST)
Argentinien 1 UTC−03:00 (ART)
Armenien 1 UTC+04:00
Australien 8 UTC+05:00 — Heard and McDonald Islands
UTC+06:30 — Cocos (Keeling) Islands
UTC+07:00 (CXT) — Christmas Island
UTC+08:00 (AWST) — Western Australia
UTC+09:30 (ACST) — South Australia, Northern Territory
UTC+10:00 (AEST) — Queensland, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Tasmania
UTC+10:30 — Lord Howe Island
UTC+11:00 (NFT) — Norfolk Island
Österreich 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Aserbaidschan 1 UTC+04:00
Bahamas 1 UTC−05:00 (EST)
Bahrain 1 UTC+03:00
Bangladesch 1 UTC+06:00 (BDT)
Barbados 1 UTC−04:00
Weißrussland 1 UTC+03:00 (FET)
Belgien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Belize 1 UTC−06:00
benin 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Bhutan 1 UTC+06:00 (BTT)
Bolivien 1 UTC−04:00
Bosnien und Herzegowina 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Brasilien 4 UTC−05:00 (Brasília time −2) — Acre and Southwestern Amazonas
UTC−04:00 (Brasília time −1) — Most part of the Amazonas State, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rondônia, Roraima
UTC−03:00 (Brasília time) —The South Region, the Northeast Region (except some islands), Goiás, Distrito Federal, Tocantins, Pará, Amapá
UTC−02:00 (Brasília time +1) —Fernando de Noronha, Trindade and Martim Vaz, Rocas Atoll, Saint Peter and Saint Paul Archipelago
Botswana 1 UTC+02:00 (CAT)
Brunei 1 UTC+08:00
Bulgarien 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Burkina Faso 1 UTC (GMT)
burundi 1 UTC+02:00 (CAT)
Kambodscha 1 UTC+07:00
Kamerun 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Kanada 6 UTC−08:00 (PST) — larger western part of British Columbia, Tungsten and the associated Cantung Mine in Northwest Territories, Yukon
UTC−07:00 (MST) — Alberta, some eastern parts of British Columbia, most of Northwest Territories, Nunavut
UTC−06:00 (CST) — Manitoba, Nunavut (between 85° West and 102°W except western Southampton Island), Ontario , Saskatchewan except Lloydminster
UTC−05:00 (EST) — Nunavut east of 85°W and entire Southampton Island, Ontario east of 90°W
UTC−04:00 (AST) — Labrador, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, eastern part of Quebec
UTC−03:30 (NST) — Labrador (southeastern), Newfoundland
Kap Verde 1 UTC−01:00 (Cape Verde Time)
Zentralafrikanische Republik 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Tschad 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
China 1 UTC+08:00 (Chinese Standard Time)
Chile 2 UTC−05:00 — Easter Island
UTC−03:00 — main territory
Kolumbien 1 UTC−05:00
komoren 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Republik Kongo 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Costa Rica 1 UTC−06:00
Kroatien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Kuba 1 UTC−05:00
Zypern 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Tschechien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET) (CRT)
Dänemark 5 UTC−04:00 — Thule Air Base in Greenland
UTC−03:00 — most of Greenland, including inhabited south coast and west coast
UTC−01:00 — Ittoqqortoormiit and surrounding area in Greenland’s Tunu county
UTC — (GMT) — Danmarkshavn weather station and surrounding area in Greenland’s Tunu county, Faroe Islands
UTC+01:00 — (CET) — metropolitan Denmark
Dschibuti 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Dominica 1 UTC−04:00
Dominikanische Republik 1 UTC−04:00
Demokratische Republik Kongo 2 UTC+01:00 (WAT) — western part of the country
UTC+02:00 (CAT) — eastern part of the country
Osttimor 1 UTC+09:00
Ecuador 2 UTC−06:00 (GALT) — Galápagos Province
UTC−05:00 (Ecuador Time) — main territory of Ecuador
Ägypten 1 UTC+02:00 (EST)
El Salvador 1 UTC−06:00
Äquatorialguinea 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Eritrea 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Estland 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Äthiopien 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Fidschi 1 UTC+12:00
Finnland 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Frankreich 12 UTC−10:00 — most of French Polynesia
UTC−09:30 — Marquesas Islands
UTC−09:00 — Gambier Islands
UTC−08:00 — Clipperton Island
UTC−04:00 (AST) — Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin
UTC−03:00 (PMST) — French Guiana, Saint Pierre and Miquelon
UTC+01:00 (CET) — Metropolitan France
UTC+03:00 — Mayotte
UTC+04:00 — Réunion
UTC+05:00 — Kerguelen Islands, Crozet Islands
UTC+11:00 — New Caledonia
UTC+12:00 — Wallis and Futuna
Gabun 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Gambia 1 UTC (GMT)
Georgia 1 UTC+04:00
Deutschland 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Ghana 1 UTC (GMT)
Griechenland 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
grenada 1 UTC−04:00
Guatemala 1 UTC−06:00
Guinea 1 UTC (GMT)
Guinea-Bissau 1 UTC (GMT)
Guyana 1 UTC−04:00
Haiti 1 UTC−05:00
Honduras 1 UTC−06:00
Hongkong 1 UTC+08:00 (HKT)
Ungarn 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Island 1 UTC (GMT)
Indien 1 UTC+05:30 (IST)
Indonesien 3 UTC+07:00 (Western Indonesian Standard Time) — islands of Sumatra, Java, provinces of West Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan
UTC+08:00 (Central Indonesian Standard Time) — islands of Sulawesi, Bali, provinces of East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan and South Kalimantan
UTC+09:00 (Eastern Indonesian Standard Time) — provinces of Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua
Ich rannte 1 UTC+03:30 (IRST)
Irak 1 UTC+03:00
Irland 1 UTC (WET)
Israel 1 UTC+02:00 (IST)
Italien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Elfenbeinküste 1 UTC (GMT)
Jamaika 1 UTC−05:00
Japan 1 UTC+09:00 (JST)
Jordanien 1 UTC+02:00
Kasachstan 2 UTC+05:00 — western Kazakhstan
UTC+06:00 — eastern Kazakhstan
Königreich der Niederlande 2 UTC−04:00 (AST) — Caribbean municipalities and constituent countries
UTC+01:00 (CET) — main territory of the Netherlands
Kiribati 3 UTC+12:00 — Gilbert Islands
UTC+13:00 — Phoenix Islands
UTC+14:00 — Line Islands
Kenia 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Korea, Nord 1 UTC+08:30 (Pyongyang Time)
Korea, Süden 1 UTC+09:00 (Korea Standard Time)
Kuwait 1 UTC+03:00 (Arabia Standard Time)
Kosovo 1 UTC+01:00
Kirgisistan 1 UTC+06:00
Laos 1 UTC+07:00
Lettland 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Libanon 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Lesotho 1 UTC+02:00
Liberia 1 UTC (GMT)
Libyen 1 UTC+02:00
Liechtenstein 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Litauen 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Luxemburg 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Macao (China) 1 UTC+08:00 (Macau Standard Time)
Mazedonien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Madagaskar 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Malawi 1 UTC+02:00 (CAT)
Malaysia 1 UTC+08:00 (Malaysian Standard Time)
Malediven 1 UTC+05:00
mali 1 UTC (GMT)
Malta 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Marshallinseln 1 UTC+12:00
Mauretanien 1 UTC (GMT)
Mauritius 1 UTC+04:00 (Mauritius Time)
Mexiko 4 UTC−08:00 (Zone 4 or Northwest Zone) — the state of Baja California
UTC−07:00 (Zone 3 or Pacific Zone) — the states of Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Nayarit, Sinaloa and Sonora
UTC−06:00 (Zone 2 or Central Zone) — most of Mexico
UTC−05:00 (Zone 1 or Southeast Zone) — the state of Quintana Roo
Mikronesien 2 UTC+10:00 — the states of Chuuk and Yap
UTC+11:00 — the states of Kosrae and Pohnpei
Moldawien 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Monaco 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Mongolei 2 UTC+07:00 — the provinces of Khovd, Uvs and Bayan-Ölgii
UTC+08:00 — most of the country
Montenegro 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Marokko 1 UTC (WET)
Mosambik 1 UTC+02:00 (CAT)
Myanmar 1 UTC+06:30 (MST)
Namibia 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Nauru 1 UTC+12:00
Nepal 1 UTC+05:45 (Nepal Time)
Neuseeland 5 UTC−11:00 — Niue
UTC−10:00 — Cook Islands
UTC+12:00 — main territory of New Zealand
UTC+12:45 — Chatham Islands
UTC+13:00 — Tokelau
Nicaragua 1 UTC−06:00
Niger 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Nigeria 1 UTC+01:00 (WAT)
Norwegen 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Oman 1 UTC+04:00
Pakistan 1 UTC+05:00 (PKT)
Palau 1 UTC+09:00
Panama 1 UTC−05:00
Papua-Neuguinea 2 UTC+10:00 — most of the country
UTC+11:00 — Autonomous Region of Bougainville (Bougainville Standard Time)
Portugal 2 UTC−01:00 — Azores
UTC (WET) — Madeira and the main territory of Portugal
Paraguay 1 UTC−04:00
Peru 1 UTC−05:00 (PET)
Philippinen 1 UTC+08:00 (PHT)
Polen 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Katar 1 UTC+03:00 (Arabia Standard Time)
Rumänien 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Russland 11 UTC+02:00 (Kaliningrad Time) — Kaliningrad Oblast
UTC+03:00 (Moscow Time) — Most of European Russia and all railroads throughout Russia
UTC+04:00 (Samara Time) — Astrakhan Oblast, Samara Oblast, Udmurtia, Ulyanovsk Oblast
UTC+05:00 (Yekaterinburg Time) — Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk Oblast, Khanty-Mansia, Kurgan Oblast, Orenburg Oblast, Perm Krai, Sverdlovsk Oblast, Tyumen Oblast, and Yamalia
UTC+06:00 (Omsk Time) — Kemerovo Oblast, Novosibirsk Oblast, Omsk Oblast and Tomsk Oblast
UTC+07:00 (Krasnoyarsk Time) — Altai Krai, Altai Republic, Khakassia, Krasnoyarsk Krai and Tuva
UTC+08:00 (Irkutsk Time) — Buryatia and Irkutsk Oblast
UTC+09:00 (Yakutsk Time) — Amur Oblast, western Sakha Republic, and Zabaykalsky Krai
UTC+10:00 (Vladivostok Time) — The Jewish Autonomous Oblast, Khabarovsk Krai, Magadan Oblast, Primorsky Krai, and central Sakha Republic
UTC+11:00 (Srednekolymsk Time) — eastern Sakha and Sakhalin Oblast
UTC+12:00 (Kamchatka Time) — Chukotka and Kamchatka Krai
ruanda 1 UTC+02:00 (CAT)
St. Kitts und Nevis 1 UTC−04:00
Saint Lucia 1 UTC−04:00
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen 1 UTC−04:00
Samoa 1 UTC+13:00
San Marino 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
São Tomé und Príncipe 1 UTC (GMT)
Saudi Arabien 1 UTC+03:00 (Arabia Standard Time)
Senegal 1 UTC (GMT)
Serbien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Seychellen 1 UTC+04:00 (Seychelles Time)
Sierra Leone 1 UTC (GMT)
Singapur 1 UTC+08:00 (SST)
Slowakei 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Slowenien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Salomon-Inseln 1 UTC+11:00
Südafrika 2 UTC+02:00 (South African Standard Time) — main territory
UTC+03:00 — Prince Edward Islands
Somalia 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Südsudan 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Spanien 2 UTC (WET) — Canary Islands
UTC+01:00 (CET) — main territory of Spain
Sri Lanka 1 UTC+05:30 (SLST)
sudan 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Surinam 1 UTC−03:00
Swasiland 1 UTC+02:00
Schweden 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Schweiz 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Syrien 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Taiwan 1 UTC+08:00
Tadschikistan 1 UTC+05:00
Tansania 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Thailand 1 UTC+07:00 (THA)
Gehen 1 UTC (GMT)
tonga 1 UTC+13:00
Trinidad und Tobago 1 UTC−04:00
Tunesien 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Truthahn 1 UTC+02:00 (EET)
Turkmenistan 1 UTC+05:00
Tuvalu 1 UTC+12:00
Uganda 1 UTC+03:00 (EAT)
Ukraine 1 UTC+02:00[1] (EET)
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate 1 UTC+04:00
Großbritannien 9 UTC−08:00 — Pitcairn Islands
UTC−05:00 — Cayman Islands
UTC−04:00 (AST) — Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands
UTC−03:00 (FKST) — Falkland Islands
UTC−02:00 — South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
UTC (GMT) — main territory of the United Kingdom, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey
UTC+01:00 (CET) — Gibraltar
UTC+02:00 (EET) — Akrotiri and Dhekelia
UTC+06:00 — British Indian Ocean Territory
Vereinigte Staaten 11 UTC−11:00 (ST) — American Samoa, Jarvis Island, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll and Palmyra Atoll
UTC−10:00 (HAT) — Hawaii, most of the Aleutian Islands, and Johnston Atoll
UTC−09:00 (AKT) — most of the state of Alaska
UTC−08:00 (PT) — the states on the Pacific coast, Nevada, and parts of Idaho
UTC−07:00 (MT) — Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, parts of Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Texas
UTC−06:00 (CT) — Gulf Coast, Tennessee Valley, U.S. Interior Highlands, Great Plains, and most of Texas
UTC−05:00 (ET) — the states on the Atlantic coast, the eastern two-thirds of the Ohio Valley, most of Michigan, Bajo Nuevo Bank, Navassa Island and Serranilla Bank
UTC−04:00 (AT) — Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Palmer Station
UTC+10:00 (ChT) — Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands
UTC+12:00 (unofficial) — Wake Island, McMurdo Station, and Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
UTC−12:00 (unofficial) — Baker Island and Howland Island
Uruguay 1 UTC−03:00
Usbekistan 1 UTC+05:00 (Uzbekistan Time)
Vanuatu 1 UTC+11:00
Vatikanstadt 1 UTC+01:00 (CET)
Venezuela 1 UTC−04:30
Vietnam 1 UTC+07:00 (Indochina Time)
Jemen 1 UTC+03:00
Sambia 1 UTC+02:00 (CAT)
Simbabwe 1 UTC+02:00 (CAT)