Czech Republic Map with Cities

Czech Republic Map with Cities

by Vishal Kumar

Czech Republic Cities Map

Czech Republic (Czechia) cities have a very different outlook with beautiful buildings, ornate bridges, chateaux, fascinating churches, cozy hamlets and numerous architectural jewels. The country boasts of eleven UNESCO World Heritage sites

spread over its various cities, including the sites of Litomysl Castle, Cesky Krumlov and Zelena Hora Pilgrimage Church of St John. The capital city of Czech Republic is Prague or Praha. The whole of the historical city center is declared as a World Heritage Site.

The cities of Czech Republic are set amidst distinct scenic backdrops. Depending on their geographical location, the Czech Republic cities belong to South Moravian Region, Moravian-Silesian Region, Plzen Region, Olomouc Region, Liberec Region, South Bohemian Region, Hradec Kralove Region, Usti nad Labem Region, Pardubice Region, Zlin Region, Central Bohemian Region, Karlovy Vary Region or Vysocina Region.

The varied population of the Czech Republic cities is an interesting mix of the native Czechs, Romans, Polish, Hungarians, Moravian, Slovaks, Greeks, Magyars, Germans, Silesian and Vietnamese. The cities offer a wealth of festivals, concerts, exhibitions and other performances in its numerous theaters, cinemas, museums, and clubs. They are hubs of culture and politics and play host to a number of sporting events owing to its varied terrains.


Cities in Czec Republic (Czechia)

City Name Population (2011) City Name Population (2011)
Praha [Prague] 1268796 Havířov 76694
Brno 385913 Zlín (Gottwaldov) 75318
Ostrava 296224 Kladno 68103
Plzeň [Pilsen] 170322 Most 65193
Liberec 102754 Opava 58351
Olomouc 101003 Karviná 56897
Hradec Králové 94314 Frýdek-Místek 56356
České Budějovice [Budweis] 93715 Jihlava 50075
Ústí nad Labem 93000 Teplice 49640
Pardubice 90767 Děčín 49106

Brno City Map

Brno City is the second – largest city in the Czech Republic and is divided into 29 city districts. The city was officially founded in 1243, though the region had…

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Ceske Budejovice

The South Bohemian Ceske Budejovice city is one of the picturesque Czech Republic Cities. Also known as Budweis, the city is well known for its magnificent buildings built during the European Renaissance.…

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Hradec Kralove

Once a great East Bohemian city, the Hradec Kralove city was established in the year 1225. It has witnessed many ups and downs in the tides of time but has always managed…

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Jihlava City

Founded during the 13th century, the Jihlava city is one of the greatest among the ancient Czech Republic Cities. A visit to the Jihlava city will reignite the olden and golden memories in one’s…

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Karlovy Vary City

One of the oldest among the Czech Republic cities, the Karlovy Vary City was formerly known as Carlsbad. King Charles-IV ruled the city during the 14th century. It was during his reign…

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Liberec City

The historical Liberec city has always been a favorite haunt for the tourists and visitors. Significant among the important Czech Republic Cities, the Liberec city lies in the district of North Bohemia. The valley…

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Olomouc City

One of the important Czech Republic cities is the ancient Olomouc city. Lying in the central part of the Hana region of the country, the Olomouc city is one of…

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Ostrava City

Ostrava City is the largest city and administrative center of the North Moravian region in Czech Republic. Spread over an area of 214 square kilometers, it is home to a population…

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Pardubice City

One of the largely populated Czech Republic Cities, the Pardubice city is home to more than hundred thousand people. Lying at a distance of almost hundred and twenty Kilometers from the capital…

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Plzen City

Plzen city, also known as Pilsen city, is the capital of the West Bohemian region and one of the most bustling Czech Republic cities. Spread over an area of 138…

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