
Kyrenia is one amongst the six administrative districts in Cyprus .Kyrenia district has the main city of Kyrenia as the capital of the district. Kyrenia district is considered to be the smallest among the rest of the districts. It is governed and administered by the Turkish people .The Turkish armies came to occupy Cyprus in 1974 and have established their claims on this part of Cyprus. About 40% of the total area of the Cyprian island has been under Turkish occupation since then. The Turkish occupation is not recognized by the UN Security Council and is often deemed as illegal occupation of territory. The Turkish authorities have established the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the northern parts Cyprus and consider the area under their control to be their own. Meanwhile the recognized government of Cyprus has been reduced to a minority in this part of the country . There is the presence of a district administration but it has been virtually isolated and is in ‘exile’.

The capital of the district of Kyrenia is the Kyrenia town. It is well known because of the presence of a castle and a harbor which have adorned the northern coast of Cyprus since ancient times. The population of the town at present comprises of British expatriates and Turkish Cypriots. The harbor is utilized at present for pleasure crafts .The main harbor where the ferries and commercial ships dock is located outside the proper town, in the eastern direction.

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