Nzwani Island

Nzwani is a picturesque island on the Indian Ocean. This island, like the other archipelago of islands in Comoros, arose because of the volcanic activity. By the French, this island is also referred to as Anjouan.

Due to the picturesque quality of the island, Nzwani is also named as the pearl of Indian Ocean. This island has proved to be one of the major tourist destinations of Comoros.

The main international airport of Comoros lies in the capital city of Moroni. The city also has a main harbor that connects the place to the other major islands and islets in the adjoining regions. Nzwani Island can be reached by ferry service from Moroni.

The volcanic peak of Mountain Mtingui located in the island is covered with ferns, orchids and tropical mahoganies. Three mountain chains rise from here giving it a unique shape. During the sixteenth centuries Nzwani came under the influence of the Arabic Sultanate, due to which a number of mosques can be located here. Waterfalls grant this place an exotic charm.

Mutsamudu, the main town of the Nzwani Island, is built in Swahili-Shirazi style. The city is definitely worth a visit. There are 17th-century houses located in the city, which have carved doors, twisting alleyways. The town also has some great mosques and a citadel. The mosques are not only worshipping place, they often serve as the important meeting place. The ancient capital of Domoni also deserves a visit. The best beaches of Nzwani, Comoros are located in the Bimbini area. Thousands of Tourists are attracted to the islands because of the sandy beaches and blue sea.

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