Law System of Comoros

The Comoros law comprises both the Islamic and French law in a newly consolidated code. The judiciary in Comoros is independent of the legislative and the executive.

According to the Comoros constitution of 1996, the citizens were granted equality before the law.

It is the head of the state, the President, who has been entitled to appoint the magistrates by decree. The court in Comoros is a Constitutional Court comprising of 7 members in total. The President appoints two members. Another two are appointed by the Federal Assembly. Three other members are selected by the Council of the three islands of Comoros. The 7th member of the Constitutional Court is appointed by the National Assembly President.

In Comoros, the criminal cases are decided by the juries. However, it can be reviewed before the appellate court. Although the civilian court can preside over minor disputes, in most cases they are settled by the elder members of the village. The constitutional matters are presided over by the High Court of Justice or the Cour Supreme. This court also looks after the elections of the President. Besides, in cases where there has been a violation of the Comoros law by the government, this court takes over. The execution of law in Comoros chiefly lies in the hands of the High Court of Justice.

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