Political Map of China

Political Map of China

Description : China Political map showing the international boundary, provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities boundaries with their capitals and national capital.



China, one of the potential superpowers of the world, is also the most populated and the fourth largest country in the world in terms of area as shown on the China Map. China, officially known as The People’s Republic of China, has 47 wonderful UNESCO World Heritage sites, making it the second country with the most heritage sites in the world, after Italy. Beijing is the capital as shown in the China Map and Shanghai is the largest city in the colorful country which is also located on the China Political Map. China is divided into 23 provinces. 22 of the provinces are controlled by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as seen in the China Map. The 23rd province, Taiwan, though claimed by the PRC, is not controlled by the PRC and is thus a de facto.

The third most visited country in the world, China apart from its natural beauty and landscape offers a glimpse of its traditional culture to visitors in the form of its magnificent art, architecture, dance, paintings, literature, music, films, etc. Besides, China’s diverse cuisine also showcases the country’s culinary history.


Located in the East of Asia, between 18° and 54°N latitudes and 73° and 135°E longitudes, the communist nation also shares the longest combined land border with fourteen countries in the world, as represented in the China Political Map. China has maritime boundaries with Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Taiwan as shown in the China Map. Also, Korea Bay, the Yellow Sea, and the South China Sea border the country as represented in the China Map. China has a total area of 9,596,960 sq km (3,705,410 sq miles). Climatically this country experiences a wide range of climate types, from sub-arctic in the north and tropical in the south. China also boasts of diverse landscapes with wide grasslands dominating the north, deltas in the center and the east, and hilly regions in the south.


China, since its economic liberalization in 1978, has been experiencing fast economic growth. In fact, as per 2018 World Bank data, China has the world’s second-largest economy in terms of nominal GDP, and the largest in terms of GDP (PPP). China also has strong manufacturing, science, technology, and infrastructure base. Agriculture is also the main driver of China’s economy and it is the world leader in agricultural output in gross value.

China comprises twenty-three provinces (if Taiwan is included) as depicted in the China Political Map, five autonomous administrative regions, and four directly administered municipalities.

Autonomous Regions of China: Municipalities of China: Special Administrative Regions:
Guangxi Beijing Hong Kong
Inner Mongolia Chongqing Macau
Ningxia Shanghai
Xinjiang Tianjin


China Fast Facts

Name People’s Republic of China
Continent Asia
Capital of China Beijing
Area 9,596,961 square kilometers
Population 1.42 billion
Form of Government Single-party state (Communist Party)
National Day October 1, 1949 (PRC founded)
Head of State President Xi Jinping, Vice President Wang Qishan
Head of Government Premier Li Keqiang
Currency Renminbi
GDP US$13.61 trillion (2018)
Major languages Standard Chinese/Mandarin, Yue, Wu
Major religions Daoism, Buddhism
Division Population: 1999-12-31 estimate Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Conventional Capital
Anhui 66,393,749 140,455 54,230 Anhwei Hefei
Beijing 11,358,672 16,808 6,490 Peking Beijing
Chongqing 30,921,643 82,403 31,816 Chungking Chongqing
Fujian 32,835,978 122,919 47,459 Fukien Fuzhou
Gansu 25,151,034 459,233 177,311 Kansu Lanzhou
Guangdong 72,830,191 178,341 68,858 Kwangtung Guangzhou
Guangxi Zhuang 46,575,918 235,001 90,734 Kwangsi Chuang Nanning
Guizhou 36,300,720 174,976 67,559 Kweichow Guiyang
Hainan 7,432,117 60,438 23,335 Hainan Haikou
Hebei 70,102,861 187,240 72,294 Hopeh Shijiazhuang
Heilongjiang 36,608,425 431,767 166,706 Heilungkiang Harbin
Henan 125,809,220 166,310 64,213 Honan Zhengzhou
Hubei 59,425,019 185,673 71,689 Hupeh Wuhan
Hunan 65,541,582 211,231 81,557 Hunan Changsha
Jiangsu 70,011,819 98,285 37,948 Kiangsu Nanjing
Jiangxi 48,538,550 171,041 66,039 Kiangsi Nanchang
Jilin 26,666,561 191,038 73,760 Kirin Changchun
Liaoning 42,988,207 147,451 56,931 Liaoning Shenyang
Nei Mongol 23,383,101 1,181,104 456,027 Inner Mongolia Hohhot
Ningxia Hui 5,432,891 52,188 20,150 Ningsia Hui Yinchuan
Qinghai 4,761,201 720,459 278,171 Tsinghai Xining
Shaanxi 35,440,589 204,846 79,091 Shensi Xian
Shandong 89,216,648 156,219 60,316 Shantung Jinan
Shanghai 13,356,282 6,500 2,510 Shanghai Shanghai
Shanxi 32,129,378 149,708 57,803 Shansi Taiyuan
Sichuan 83,947,260 491,146 189,633 Szechwan Chengdu
Tianjin 9,156,843 11,943 4,611 Tientsin Tianjin
Xinjiang Uygur 17,734,799 1,743,441 673,146 Sinkiang Uighur Urumqi
Xizang 2,477,195 1,178,577 455,051 Tibet Lhasa
Yunnan 40,273,265 388,610 150,043 Yunnan Kunming
Zhejiang 47,042,095 106,078 40,957 Chekiang Hangzhou
31 divisions 1,279,843,813 9,651,429 3,726,438


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