Chile Education

Chile Education

by Vishal Kumar

Chile has a diverse education system, the different levels being divided into preschool, primary school, secondary school, and higher education. Schools are run both privately and by the states, the latter ones being locally known as liceos.

Of these, the secondary schools follow a two-pronged approach of scientific-humanities and technical-professional education. The former has to do with the regular courses on literature, history, physics, math, etc., while the latter aims to impart education in practical and technical areas, such as metal working, electricity, etc. There is also a third option, known as artistic education.

According to estimates, 99.7% of children between 6 to 14 years enroll for basic education, while for the secondary education, this extent is 87.7%.

Educational Costs and Reforms

The cost of education differs according to the type of school. Schools with voluntary tuition can charge a fixed fee for admission, while subsidized private schools with mandatory tuition can charge for enrollment, tuition, and other services. On the other hand, private schools are free to decide their own fee-structure.

In 2011, the country saw widespread and violent student protests, demanding reforms in the education system. The students said they wanted more direct state participation in the secondary education, as well as an end to the unabashed profit-making going on in higher education. The movement gained strong support across the country, as students refused to attend classes and took to the streets.

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