Chile South America Map

Political Map of Chile

Description : Chile Political map showing the international boundary, regions boundaries with their capitals and national capital.


Chile is a country located in South America. It is one of the two countries in Latin America that do not border Brazil. The total area of the country is 756,950 square miles. It has an estimated population of 17,224,200.

As shown in the Chile Political Map, Chile occupies a long, narrow coastal strip between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes mountains. It shares its borders with Peru in the north, Bolivia in the north-east, Argentina in the east and the Drake Passage in the south.

The Chilean territory includes the islands of Juan Fernandez, Salas y Gomez, Desventuradas, and Easter Island.

The Chile Political Map marks the national capital, major cities, administrative regions, and the international boundaries of the nation.

The national capital, Santiago is clearly marked in the map. It is located in the central valley of Chile, the Santiago Basin. Covering an area of 247.6 square miles, and housing an estimated population of 200,792, Santiago is the largest city in Chile.

Chile is divided into fifteen regions that are further divided into provinces. The provinces are sub-divided into smaller administrative units called communes. The regions are:

  • Arica and Parinacota
  • Tarapaca
  • Antofagasta
  • Atacama
  • Coquimbo
  • Valparaiso
  • O’Higgins
  • Maule
  • Biobio
  • Araucania
  • Los Rios
  • Aisen
  • Los Lagos
  • Magallanes
  • Santiago

The other important cities of Chile include Arica, Iquique, Antofagasta, La Serena, San Felipe, Talea, Temuco, Valdivia, Puerto Montt, Puerto Aisen, and Puerto Arenas.

Chile is a presidential representative democratic republic. The president is both the head of state and head of government. Miguel Juan Sebastian Pinera Echenique is the current President of Chile.

Chile is one of the most prosperous and stable nation of South America. It is the second largest producer of salmon in the world. The largest trade flows are with China, United States of America, Japan, Brazil and Mexico. It exports copper, fruit, fish products, paper and pulp, chemicals and wine; while the major imports include petroleum products, electrical and telecommunications equipment, vehicles and natural gas.

Region Population : 2002-04-24 Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital
Aisen del General Carlos Ibanez del Campo 91,492 108,494 41,890 Coihaique
Antofagasta 493,984 126,049 48,668 Antofagasta
Araucania 869,535 31,842 12,294 Temuco
Arica and Parinacota 189,644 16,873 6,515 Arica
Atacama 254,336 75,176 29,026 Copiapo
Bio-Bio 1,861,562 37,069 14,312 Concepcion
Coquimbo 603,210 40,580 15,668 La Serena
Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins 780,627 16,387 6,327 Rancagua
Los Lagos 716,739 48,584 18,758 Puerto Montt
Los Rios 356,396 18,430 7,116 Valdivia
Magallanes y Antartica Chilena 150,826 132,291 51,078 Punta Arenas
Maule 908,097 30,296 11,697 Talca
Region Metropolitana de Santiago 6,061,185 15,403 5,947 Santiago
Tarapaca 238,950 42,226 16,303 Iquique
Valparaiso 1,539,852 16,396 6,331 Valparaiso
15 regions 15,116,435 756,096 291,930

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