Chilean Theater

Chilean Theater boasts of its rich tradition and history of commendable performances that suits the taste of every genre of spectators. The artistic life of the city is vibrant and colorful.

Many Theaters of Chile traced their roots back to 19th century and are considered oldest in South America. There are several quality theaters in Chile that are the living evidence of the glorious theatrical background of the country. Teatro Nacional, Teatro Municipal, Universidad Catolica, Matucana 100 Cultural Factory, San Gines and Galpon 7 are some of the famous Theaters in Chile. Other then the Chilean theaters, tourists can also enjoy the interesting performances of several theatrical groups.

The Chile Theater suffered a setback during the regime of totalitarian government. Many of the theaters were closed down and the the artistic life was stifled. The return of the democratic government ushered a new era and the theatrical industry experienced a boom. New theaters and groups came into the scenario and new experimental works started. For the theater lovers, summer is the best time to visit Chile because during this season some of the excellent performances could be witness in the theater festivals.

There are wide array of choices for theater lovers. Live concerts of bands, opera performances, folk shows, jazz or classical concerts can be enjoyed in Chilean Theaters.

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