Chad Culture

Chad-Society and Culture are very diverse and rich. A large number of African nomadic tribes dwell peacefully in the country of Chad and they make the most of the Chad society and culture.

From ancient times they have been dwelling in this country. Other cultural groups migrated from nearby regions of Chad and settled in this part of the African continent. In recent times the Muslim population is highest in Chad because people from Arabic countries migrated at a huge rate in the early 19th century. The maximum number of cultural groups who co-habit in the land of Chad include Christian, French, Sara, and from other origins. The different kinds of religion that are followed by the people of the Chad society are Christianity, Islam, and various African religions.

People of Chad

The total population of Chad is made up of almost 200 ethnic groups and this explains the wide diversity and heterogeneity with which the life of Chad People is marked. The nationals of the country are known as Chadians.

The religion of Chad People Chad Religion comprises three religions namely Islam, Christianity, and African Religions. The most important religion of Chad is Islam and it has been estimated that more than 50% of the total population of Chad is made up of Muslims. Christianity is the second most prominent religion in the country and there are both Protestants and Catholics. Many people still believe in and follow Animism, which is the native religion of the country.

Social Life of Chad People

The Chadians believe in the institution of marriage, but polygamy is permitted in their society. Family plays a very important role in the life of the Chad People and is also regarded as the central unit of society. The family is headed by the male member, i.e. husband, and consists of wives and children.

Languages Spoken in Chad

Chad languages are spoken by the African tribal groups and the ancient migrants who settled peacefully in the country of Chad. Chad languages are of 100 varieties and each language reflects the cultural ethnicity of the groups and clans dwelling in Chad.

The different regional Chad languages spoken throughout the country are as follows: Mimi language, Baguirmi language, Bolgo language, Kanembu language, Gadang language, Tama language, Tebu language, Massa language, Mararit language, Bua language, Chadian Arabic, Tama Language, Sungor Language, Laal Language, Dazaga language, Amdang language, Naba language Gula Iro language

Customs and Traditions in Chad

Taubou or Daza Chad Custom

There are almost 200 different ethnic groups and the customs of Chad differ among each of the groups. Taubou or Daza is one of the main groups, who are basically known to live the life of nomads. These people believe in the custom of marriage and their family consists of a head, which is generally the husband, a wife, and children. But in a Taubou or Daza family, all major decisions are taken by the wife. These people also believe in the custom of polygamy. All the lawful customs of the Taubou or Daza people are based on compensation and revenge.

Customs of Chad Arab

Arabs constitute an important section of the overall population of the country and hence it is important to know about the customs that are followed by them in Chad. “Kashimbet” is the primary social unit of the Arabs in Chad. The Arabs respect the institution of marriage and live in a society with closely knit families. The Arabs follow some of the long-established customs with great enthusiasm and dedication.

Thus, it can be concluded from the above discussion that Chad Customs plays an important role so far as Chad Lifestyle is concerned.

Cuisine of Chad

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Chad is a land of diversity and this is also evident in Chad Cuisine. Different types of delightful recipes form the basis of Chadian Cuisine. Chad Cuisine includes a variety of starters, cakes, salads, refreshing drinks, and of course heavenly appetizers and main courses.

Chadian Main Courses

Fish is one of the main foods for the Chadian and so different types of fish preparation is simply savored by the people of this country. In fact, the fish industry is also one of the most developed industries in the country. Some of the popular Chadian Fish Recipes include Chilli Bream, Chad Spicy Tuna Sub, Broiled Fish, and Garlic-Crusted Roughy with Goya Sauce. Ginger Chadha’s Tandoori Turkey with Spicy Gravy, Chaddy’s Hot Pepper Appetizers. Roasted Chicken and Chad Chicken are some of the other important Chad Main food.

Chadian Drinks and Salads

Refreshing drinks such as Karkanji and Jus de Fruit are very popular among the Chadians. The people of this country also like to have different types of salads. Some of the popular Chadian Salads are Chad Super Taco salads.

Clothing in Chad

Chad is a land of ethnic diversity and as far as Chad Clothing is concerned, the pattern and styles change from one ethnic group to another. The dressing style of the people of Chad is also dictated by the geographical location and the type of climate that they live in. Although every kind of modern and fashionable clothes is available in Chad, it is important to know about the ordinary dressing style of the people of this country. Dress worn by the people of the land characterizes Chad Clothing. Men are usually seen wearing light-colored cotton long robes and cotton trousers. They cover their head with a thick scarf and turban. The women of the country wear long and thick gowns, which cover every single part of their body. Boys wear simple cotton shirts and pants while the girls prefer wearing cotton wraparounds and shirts.

Sports in Chad

Sports in Chad are of great significance as the Chadians are great sports lovers. Although the people of Chad like to participate in different types of sports activities, there are certain sports that are of special importance.

Soccer in Chad

Soccer is very popular in Chad and the people simply love the performance of their national team. This game is a craze in the country and soccer players enjoy great popularity among youngsters and sports lovers. Some of the most creditable soccer players of Chad are Nambatingue Tokomon, Abdoulaye Karateka, and Ndoram Japhet.

Other Important Sports of Chad

Basketball is another popular Sport in Chad, and people love to participate in the game. Some of the other popular sports in Chad are listed below:-

  • Wrestling
  • Boxing
  • Martial Art
  • High Jump
  • Low Jump

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