HIV Aids in Chad

Extensive steps have been taken by the government to bring HIV aids in Chad under control. HIV aids is prevalent mostly in the rural regions of Chad.

The government of Chad is taking serious measures in order to spread a sense of consciousness amongst the rural people of Chad.

Medical Help Provided by the Global Health Organizations

The global health organizations like WHO are sending their volunteers to Chad to provide medical help to the victims of HIV aids. Another important job that they are assigned with is to spread awareness about this deadly disease so that it does not engulf any more lives. Even the UN organization has opened up a new committee known as the UNAIDS, which has tried to check the spread of HIV in Chad and other countries of Africa. The rural section of the society in Chad has the maximum number of HIV Aids affected patients and medical assistance is constantly being given to them by the health organizations.

The following statistics show the death rate in the recent years in Chad:

  • In the year 2000, almost 14,000 people died of HIV aids in Chad
  • Almost 18,000 people died in the year 2004
  • More than 18,000 died in the year 2005

The sustained efforts of the medical practitioners in Chad have brought the affect of this disease under control in the recent years.

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