Doing Business in Chad

Doing Business in Chad means to start a business in Chad. In order to start a business in the country the firm has to follow certain procedure. It is mandatory to follow the requirements for every firm entering to do business in the country.

The registration requirements in Chad includes:

  • Opening a bank account, investing capital and receiving the evidence of deposit (free from any charges)
  • Checking of the company’s name and collect the registration form of company
  • Articles of Association and Company Deeds needs to be notarized.
  • Medical Certificate ( charges FCFA 1200 every copy)
  • Finding criminal records ( charges FCFA 1500 )


  • Registering a certified and signed copy of the company from the Finance Ministry ( charges 10% of the capital and 1000 per pages)
  • Obtaining the Ministry of Industry and Commerce’s administration authorization
  • A formal declaration is needed through newspapers or journals, which will proclaim the company’s existence.
  • The company’s registration with Registry of Commerce and Real Estate
  • Tax rolls inscription
  • Statistics code registration
  • Registering the company to the Ministry of Finance’s central tax services
  • Submitting Internal Regulation code
  • Municipality registration is essential as the Commercial license is granted from there.
  • Making a Company seal is necessary ( charge FCFA 18000)
  • Social Security Institution’s registration is required

There is no restrictions for starting business in Chad as the foreign investors are offered the same treatment as the national investors. But the firm entering to do business has to go through certain bureaucratic process.

The procedure to do business in Chad takes more or less 75 days.

Doing Business in Chad requires to fulfill all the necessary procedures that are stated by the government of the country.

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