The web portal, is developed by the company Maptect which is popular for the publication of various maps in the paper format. The company has developed the website to publish the digitized version of the USGS maps in the software system.

The website provides an online map server along with the topo map charts. The software has been developed with the latest technologies and includes GPS interface capabilities. USGS topographical maps are provided by the website as well. The marine maps on facilitate navigation. The nautical charts have been electronically developed. Navigation software which includes GPS interface is also available on the website. Some of the other products of the company are listed below:

  • Waterproof Charts
  • ChartKit
  • Embassy cruising guides in CDs
  • Aeronautical SectionsThe instructions and references on are provided in English. The site has approximately 644 links attached to it. It generates a huge amount of traffic and presently has a traffic rank of 213,762.The address in which the Maptech Company is situated is listed below:
  • Maptech, Inc 10 Industrial Way Amesbury, MA 01913 United States of America

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