
Census.gov is the mapping site of Census Bureau. This is a U.S. based mapping site that has been producing maps since 1990. Census Bureau creates maps which are rich with information relating to the United States of America. In order to have a complete view of the various maps available in the Census.gov one has to use the Adobe Reader.

The maps of Census Bureau are available in two separate divisions namely Thematic Maps and Reference Maps. The Thematic Maps are further sub-divided into Special Purpose and Statistical Maps. The Special Thematic Maps of Census Bureau include Population Centers of the United States of America from 1790 to 2000. The Statistical Thematic Maps comprise isarithmic maps, dot maps, shaped maps and proportional symbol maps.

The Reference Map of Census Bureau mainly highlights the names and geographic boundaries of the places which have a statistical record in the Census.gov. One can also find relevant information in the form of identifiers of roads, railways and waterways in the Reference Maps. Sections of Metropolitan Areas Maps, Census Geography, General Reference and Urban Areas are included in the Reference Maps of Census Bureau.

Census Bureau has released another site named the tiger.census.g

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