Arthur H. Robinson

World Map of Modern Era

Arthur H. Robinson is a well known American cartographer and geographer. He was born in Montreal, Canada. He received the P.D. Degree from The Ohio State University. He became a geographer and his field of special interest was cartography.

In the University of Wisconsin- Madison, Arthur served as one of the faculty members in Department of geography from 1945 to 1980, he taught physical geography and cartography. From 1954 to 1958 and 1966 to 1968, he served as the head of the department.

Due to his efforts, the master and bachelor degree in Cartography were introduced in the university. He even established the Cartographic Laboratory and Map Library and became the director of the laboratory from 1966 to 1973. Later he chaired the Wisconsin Committee on State Cartography.

Professor Arthur H. Robinson have co-authored and authored many articles and books. Some of these books are The Nature of Maps, Early Thematic Mapping in the History of Cartography and The Look of Maps. Elements of Cartography, one of his textbooks was first printed in 1953 and later different editions of this textbook were also published.

Arthur H. Robinson was the President of the Association of American Geographers and International Cartographic Association. For his outstanding contribution in cartographic research and education, the International Cartographic Association awarded him with Dr. Carl M.Mannerfelt Medal.

Arthur Howard Robinson’s projection was established in 1963. This was his first important map projection, which was commissioned by Rand Mc Nally, a private corporation. For his excellent work as a cartographer Arthur H Robinson is still remembered as one of the popular cartographers of the world

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