Facts about Brunei

Where is Brunei situated ?

Brunei is situated on Borneo Island’s north coast in Southeast Asia. The country is physically separated into two parts by Malaysia.

What is the official name of Brunei ?

Brunei Darussalam is the official name of Brunei. Brunei Darussalam means the “abode of peace”.

Who discovered Brunei ?

Awang Alak Betatar discovered Brunei.

What is the area and population of Brunei ?

Brunei covers a total area of 2,226 square miles and there are 415,717 people inhabiting the nation as per the 2013 estimate. It is the second smallest country in South-East Asia.

What is the capital of the country ?

The capital city is Bandar Seri Begwan, which is also the largest city of the country.

What form of government does Brunei have ?

Brunei has a Unitary Islamic absolute-monarchy.

Who is the head of the state of Brunei ?

Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah is the head of the state of Brunei. His majesty belongs to the family that has ruled over Brunei for over six hundred years i.e. since 1405. This 29th sultan is one of the richest people in the world and as per the Guinness Book of World Records, was the wealthiest man in the year 1993.

When was the constitution of the nation signed ?

Brunei’s constitution was signed on September 29 1959 by Sir Robert Scott and Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddein III.

What are the administrative divisions of Brunei ?

Brunei has for four districts:

  • Brueni-Muara
  • Belait
  • Tutong
  • Temburong

What is the currency of Brunei ?

The currency of the nation is Brunei Dollar.

When did Brunei get independence ?

Brunei got independence from UK on 1 January 1984.

What is the highest point of Brunei ?

Bukit Pagon is the highest point of the nation. It is 1850 meters high.

Which is Brunei’s longest river ?

The longest river of the country is Belait River.

What is Brunei’s rank in the Human Development Index ?

The nation has a second position in the HDI among the Southeast Asian nations.

Which laws are followed in Brunei ?

Brunei follows Sharia Islamic Laws.

What is Nurul Palace ?

Nurul palace, the residence of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, is one of the world’s largest palaces.

What is Belalong Tree Frog ?

Belalong Tree Frog is a rare species of frog unique to Brunei and is only found in Brunei.

What are the main exports of Brunei ?

Natural Gas and Crude are the two main exports of the country which contribute for almost half of Brunei’s GDP.

When was the first offshore well drilled in Brunei ?

The first offshore well in Brunei was drilled in 1957.

Which all ethnic groups exist in Brunei ?

Malay people form the biggest ethnic group in the country and comprise 66.3% of the total population. Chinese comprise 11.2% of the total population.

What kind of education and medical services does Brunei have ?

The citizens of Brunei are entitled to receive free education (including college) and also free medical services. These are completely sponsored by the government.

What’s the official religion of the country ?

The official religion of the nation is Islam and Muslims comprise 67% of the total population of the country.

What is the official language of the country ?

Official language of Brunei is Malay.

Which rare fruits are cultivated in Brunei ?

Rambutan and Durian are the rare fruits cultivated in Brunei.

What are the Agricultural products of Brunei ?

Agricultural products of Brunei include vegetables, rice, and tropical fruits like banana, watermelon, and papaya.

What is prohibited as per the Sharia laws of the nation ?

The sale as well as the consumption of liquor is prohibited in the country. However, non-Muslims, for their own consumption in private, are permitted to bring in alcohol but in a limited quantity. Homosexuality is also prohibited and is punishable by law.

What are the main exports and imports of Brunei ?

The main exports of the nation are Natural Gas, Crude Oil, and Refined Products whereas the main imports of the country are machinery & transport equipment, food, chemicals, and manufactured goods.

Which countries are the main trading partners of Brunei ?

South Korea, Japan, Australia, Thailand, U.S., Indonesia, Singapore, China, Malaysia, and UK are the main trading partners of Brunei.

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