Sergipe Mapa

Sergipe Mapa

by Vishal Kumar

Sergipe Map

Facts about Sergipe State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Aracaju
Area 21,910.348 sq km
Population 2,110,867 Census 2012
Demonym Sergipano
Time zone BRT (UTC-3), BRST (UTC-2)
Postal Code 49000-000 to 49990-000
Airports Aracaju International Airport,

Sergipe is the smallest state in Brazil. It is situated on the northeastern Atlantic coast of the country. Bahia borders the South and western part of the state whereas Alagoas borders the Northern part. Aracaju is the capital and the biggest city of the state. Its inhabitants includes around three-quarters black and mixed race people.

Sergipe is mostly savanna and its coastline is characterized by mangroves, swamps and splendid, sandy beaches. A small section of tropical rain forest runs down the coast. The Sao Francisco River flows against its northern boundary. The southern part of the Brazilian state slopes eastward and is drained directly through a number of small rivers into the Atlantic .There is a sandy belt along the coast line, and the western frontier covers hilly region. The intercede areas are highly fertile, especially in the dense forested land which experiences heavy rainfall. The climate of this state is divided into wet and dry seasons with occasional droughts.

Sergipe’s economy is mainly centered on the sugarcane production.Along with sugarcane, cassava and oranges are being produced over here. Along with it small-scale leather and textiles industry also exists.

The Brazilian federal government is also taking excessive care on the development of a fledgling petroleum and natural gas industry.

The stars on the Sergipe flag represent the number of river estuaries in the state, while the green and yellow stripes symbolize Sergipe’s union. The flag was designed by Jose Rodrigues Bastos Coelho, a noted businessman.

List of Municipalities in Sergipe state of Brazil

S.N. Municipality S.N. Municipality
1 Areia Branca 39 Divina Pastora
2 Campo do Brito 40 Santa Rosa de Lima
3 Itabaiana 41 Siriri
4 Macambira 42 Estância
5 Malhador 43 Indiaroba
6 Moita Bonita 44 Itaporanga d’Ajuda
7 São Domingos 45 Santa Luzia do Itanhy
8 Lagarto 46 Japaratuba
9 Riachão do Dantas 47 Japoatã
10 Aquidabã 48 Pacatuba
11 Cumbe 49 Pirambu
12 Malhada dos Bois 50 São Francisco
13 Muribeca 51 Amparo de São Francisco
14 Nossa Senhora das Dores 52 Brejo Grande
15 São Miguel do Aleixo 53 Canhoba
16 Poço Verde 54 Cedro de São João
17 Simão Dias 55 Ilha das Flores
18 Tobias Barreto 56 Neópolis
19 Aracaju (State Capital) 57 Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
20 Barra dos Coqueiros 58 Propriá
21 Nossa Senhora do Socorro 59 Santana do São Francisco
22 São Cristóvão 60 Telha
23 Carmópolis 61 Carira
24 General Maynard 62 Frei Paulo
25 Laranjeiras 63 Nossa Senhora Aparecida
26 Maruim 64 Pedra Mole
27 Riachuelo 65 Pinhão
28 Rosário do Catete 66 Ribeirópolis
29 Santo Amaro das Brotas 67 Canindé de São Francisco
30 Arauá 68 Feira Nova
31 Boquim 69 Gararu
32 Cristinápolis 70 Gracho Cardoso
33 Itabaianinha 71 Itabi
34 Pedrinhas 72 Monte Alegre de Sergipe
35 Salgado 73 Nossa Senhora da Glória
36 Tomar do Geru 74 Poço Redondo
37 Umbaúba 75 Porto da Folha