Rondonia Brazil Map

Rondonia Brazil Map

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Rondonia

Facts about Rondônia State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Porto Velho
Area 237,576.16 sq km
Population 1,590,011 (census 2012)
Demonym Rondoniano or Rondoniense
Time zone BRT-1 (UTC-4)
Postal Code 76800-000 to 76999-000
Airports Belmonte Airport

Rondonia is a major state in Brazil. It is situated in the north-west of the country. The western part of it is bordered by the state of Acre, to the north Amazonas state, in the east is Mato Grosso whereas in the south is Bolivia. The capital of Rondonia is Porto Velho. This Brazilian state had been named after Candido Rondon.

Some of the most known cities of Rondonia have been listed below:

  • Ji-Parana
  • Vilhena
  • Bananeiras
  • Barracao
  • Bela Vista
  • Cacoal
  • Ariquemes

The state of Rondonia comprises of a territory covered mostly by the Amazon Rain forest jungle, however since intensive settlement and logging began in the 1970s, 3/5th of the state has been deforested.

Now-a-days a large portion of its citizens reside in urban areas. It is said to be the main exporter of wood and the producer of both coffee and cocoa, apart from this, the state is a major cattle breeder.

While talking about the Rondonia population we should definitely mention about the Akuntsu tribe that is considered to be one of the isolated tribes of Rondonia. They are indeed one of the indigenous peoples of Brazil. Another isolated tribe is Kanoe of Omere they reside in the village area. The tribe consists of chief Kunibu Baba, Pupak, Ururu and three women with ages from 23 to 35. In 1995 the seventh member of the tribe passed away.

Since 1960’s among the languages spoken in the state of Rondonia, Brazil includes the Pomeranian language. It is a dialect of migrants arriving from the old German settlements from the state of Espirito Santo that is situated just above the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

List of Municipalities in Rondonia state of Brazil

S.N. Municipality S.N. Municipality
1 Alvorada d’Oeste 27 Jaru
2 Nova Brasilândia d’Oeste 28 Ji-Paraná
3 São Miguel do Guaporé 29 Mirante da Serra
4 Seringueiras 30 Nova União
5 Alto Paraíso 31 Ouro Preto do Oeste
6 Ariquemes 32 Presidente Médici
7 Cacaulândia 33 Teixeirópolis
8 Machadinho d’Oeste 34 Theobroma
9 Monte Negro 35 Urupá
10 Rio Crespo 36 Vale do Paraíso
11 Vale do Anari 37 Chupinguaia
12 Alta Floresta d’Oeste 38 Parecis
13 Alto Alegre dos Parecis 39 Pimenta Bueno
14 Cacoal 40 Primavera de Rondônia
15 Castanheiras 41 São Felipe d’Oeste
16 Espigão d’Oeste 42 Vilhena
17 Ministro Andreazza 43 Costa Marques
18 Novo Horizonte do Oeste 44 Guajará-Mirim
19 Rolim de Moura 45 São Francisco do Guaporé
20 Santa Luzia d’Oeste 46 Buritis
21 Cabixi 47 Campo Novo de Rondônia
22 Cerejeiras 48 Candeias do Jamari
23 Colorado do Oeste 49 Cujubim
24 Corumbiara 50 Itapuã do Oeste
25 Pimenteiras do Oeste 51 Nova Mamoré
26 Governador Jorge Teixeira 52 Porto Velho (State Capital)