Map of Rio de Janeiro State Brazil

Map of Rio de Janeiro State Brazil

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Rio de Janeiro State

Facts about Rio de Janeiro State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Rio de Janeiro
Area 43,696.1 sq km
Population 16,231,365 (Census 2012)
Demonym Fluminense
Time zone BRT (UTC-3), (UTC-02)
Postal Code 20000-000 to 28990-000
Airports Santos Dumont Airport, Rio de Janeiro-Galeão International Airport

Rio de Janeiro was the capital of the Portuguese Empire (1808-1821) and also of Brazil. It is one of the major cities in Brazil located in the south eastern side of the country. Rio de Janeiro’s English version is ‘River of January’. It is popularly known as ‘Rio’. The city is famous for its pristine beauty, carnivals, samba dance and beaches.

Today the main event of the city is its colorful carnivals. These carnivals are common during the peak of summer. People from across the world come here to attend these carnivals. The Portuguese spelled carnivals as ‘carnaval’. Carnivals are mainly a 4- day festival attended by thousands of people from all over the country. The carnivals are often regarded as one of the ‘greatest show on earth’. It begins on one Saturday and ends on Tuesday.

The history of carnivals dates back to 1723 when the Portuguese immigrants from Cabo Verde, Madeira and Acores islands came to Brazil. At Rio’s Sambodrome, the Parade of the Samba School is the main attraction of the event.

This parade is broad cast live all over the world as well in Brazil. Marching with the crowd and dancing with the samba tune adds color and joy in the whole atmosphere of Brazil.

Theme of the samba schools differs every year. Like the theme of 2004 was Sambodrome’s 20th anniversary, whereas in the year 2000 the theme was on the history of Brazil. Fourteen Samba schools participate in the event and winner is selected by the League of Samba Schools.

Besides, Carnivals other attractive places of Rio de Janeiro include:

  • The world-renowned monument of Christ the Redeemer
  • Tourist beaches like Ipanema and Copacabana
  • Flamengo Park located near Guanabara bay
  • Rio de Janeiro’sZoological Gardens situated in Quinta da Boa Vista.


S.N. Municipality
1 Casimiro de Abreu
2 Rio das Ostras
3 Silva Jardim
4 Araruama
5 Armação dos Búzios
6 Arraial do Cabo
7 Cabo Frio
8 Iguaba Grande
9 São Pedro da Aldeia
10 Saquarema
11 Cantagalo
12 Carmo
13 Cordeiro
14 Macuco
15 Bom Jardim
16 Duas Barras
17 Nova Friburgo
18 Sumidouro
19 Santa Maria Madalena
20 São Sebastião do Alto
21 Trajano de Morais
22 Areal
23 Comendador Levy Gasparian
24 Paraíba do Sul
25 Sapucaia
26 Três Rios
27 Itaguaí
28 Mangaratiba
29 Seropédica
30 Cachoeiras de Macacu
31 Rio Bonito
S.N. Municipality
32 Belford Roxo
33 Duque de Caxias
34 Guapimirim
35 Itaboraí
36 Japeri
37 Magé
38 Maricá
39 Nilópolis
40 Niterói
41 Mesquita
42 Nova Iguaçu
43 Queimados
44 Rio de Janeiro (State Capital)
45 São Gonçalo
46 São João de Meriti
47 Tanguá
48 Petrópolis
49 São José do Vale do Rio Preto
50 Teresópolis
51 Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin
52 Mendes
53 Miguel Pereira
54 Paracambi
55 Paty do Alferes
56 Vassouras
57 Bom Jesus do Itabapoana
58 Italva
59 Itaperuna
60 Laje do Muriaé
61 Natividade
62 Porciúncula
S.N. Municipality
63 Varre-Sai
64 Aperibé
65 Cambuci
66 Itaocara
67 Miracema
68 Santo Antônio de Pádua
69 São José de Ubá
70 Campos dos Goytacazes
71 Cardoso Moreira
72 São Fidélis
73 São Francisco de Itabapoana
74 São João da Barra
75 Carapebus
76 Conceição de Macabu
77 Macaé
78 Quissamã
79 Angra dos Reis
80 Parati
81 Barra do Piraí
82 Rio das Flores
83 Valença
84 Barra Mansa
85 Itatiaia
86 Pinheiral
87 Piraí
88 Porto Real
89 Quatis
90 Resende
91 Rio Claro
92 Volta Redonda

Rio de Janeiro Airport Map

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