Piaui Brazil Map

Piaui Brazil Map

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Piaui

Facts about Piauí State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Teresina
Area 251529.186 sq km
Population 3,160,748 (Census 2012)
Demonym Piauiense
Time zone BRT (UTC-3), (UTC-03)
Postal Code 64000-000 to 64990-000
Airports Teresina/Senador Petrônio Portella Airport
Website pi.gov.br

Piaui is a state of Brazil. It is situated in the northeast part of Brazil. The state of Piaui covers the area of 252,000 squire kilometers and has a population around 2.8 million. The capital city of this state is Teresina. Near about 700,000 people from its total population are seen to be residing over here. The western part of Piaui enjoys tropical climate. Teresina, the capital city of Piaui experiences the highest average temperatures in Brazil throughout the year.

There are several cities in the Brazilian state of Piaui. Some of the remarkable places have been mentioned below

  • Ilha Danta
  • Inhumas
  • Oiticica
  • Itainzinho
  • Oitizinho
  • Ipiranga
  • Irapua
  • Isaias Coelho
  • Ingazeira
  • Olaria

Piaui consists of the shortest coastline of any of the non-landlocked Brazilian states. The state of Piaui was first colonized inland and thereafter slowly expanded towards the ocean. The western part of Piaui is bounded by Maranhao while on the east Ceara, Pernambuco and Bahia has surrounded it. It has a few miles of Atlantic coastline on the north. The state is nestled almost entirely within the basin of the Parnaiba and its tributaries.

While traveling around this state of Brazil one will come across several highly important archaeological sites that include Serra de Capivara National Park and Sete Cidades National Park. They deliver the true spirit of prehistoric Amerindian civilizations.

Bandits are the first tribes to settle over here. While during the 1600s, several noblemen, Jesuit priests and Amerindian slaves came here to settle down and with this settlement first large-scale cattle farming arrived in this state. Apart from this a large number of estate owners from neighboring states of Bahia and Maranhao also came here.

During the initial period of the 20th century, the key industry of Piaui was stock-raising while the secondary industry was the raising of goats that were capable to stand neglect and a scanty food supply. The major agricultural products of this state were sugar, cotton and tobacco and the forest products specially include carnauba wax, rubber and dye woods.

List of Municipalities in Piaui

S.N. Municipality
1 Alto Longá
2 Assunção do Piauí
3 Boqueirão do Piauí
4 Buriti dos Montes
5 Campo Maior
6 Capitão de Campos
7 Castelo do Piauí
8 Cocal de Telha
9 Domingos Mourão
10 Jatobá do Piauí
11 Juazeiro do Piauí
12 Lagoa de São Francisco
13 Milton Brandão
14 Nossa Senhora de Nazaré
15 Novo Santo Antônio
16 Pau d’Arco do Piauí
17 Pedro II
18 São João da Serra
19 São Miguel do Tapuio
20 Sigefredo Pacheco
21 Agricolândia
22 Água Branca
23 Amarante
24 Angical do Piauí
25 Arraial
26 Barro Duro
27 Francisco Ayres
28 Hugo Napoleão
29 Jardim do Mulato
30 Lagoinha do Piauí
31 Olho d’Água do Piauí
32 Palmeirais
33 Passagem Franca do Piauí
34 Regeneração
35 Santo Antônio dos Milagres
36 São Gonçalo do Piauí
37 São Pedro do Piauí
38 Altos
39 Beneditinos
40 Coivaras
41 Curralinhos
42 Demerval Lobão
43 José de Freitas
44 Lagoa Alegre
45 Lagoa do Piauí
46 Miguel Leão
47 Monsenhor Gil
48 Teresina (State Capital)
49 União
50 Aroazes
51 Barra d’Alcântara
52 Elesbão Veloso
53 Francinópolis
54 Inhuma
55 Lagoa do Sítio
56 Novo Oriente do Piauí
57 Pimenteiras
58 Prata do Piauí
59 Santa Cruz dos Milagres
60 São Félix do Piauí
61 São Miguel da Baixa Grande
62 Valença do Piauí
63 Várzea Grande
64 Barras
65 Batalha
66 Boa Hora
67 Brasileira
68 Cabeceiras do Piauí
69 Campo Largo do Piauí
70 Esperantina
71 Joaquim Pires
72 Joca Marques
73 Luzilândia
74 Madeiro
75 Matias Olímpio
S.N. Municipality
76 Miguel Alves
77 Morro do Chapéu do Piauí
78 Nossa Senhora dos Remédios
79 Piripiri
80 Porto
81 São João do Arraial
82 Bom Princípio do Piauí
83 Buriti dos Lopes
84 Cajueiro da Praia
85 Caraúbas do Piauí
86 Caxingó
87 Cocal
88 Cocal dos Alves
89 Ilha Grande
90 Luís Correia
91 Murici dos Portelas
92 Parnaíba
93 Piracuruca
94 São João da Fronteira
95 São José do Divino
96 Acauã
97 Bela Vista do Piauí
98 Belém do Piauí
99 Betânia do Piauí
100 Caldeirão Grande do Piauí
101 Campinas do Piauí
102 Campo Alegre do Fidalgo
103 Campo Grande do Piauí
104 Capitão Gervásio Oliveira
105 Caridade do Piauí
106 Conceição do Canindé
107 Curral Novo do Piauí
108 Floresta do Piauí
109 Francisco Macêdo
110 Fronteiras
111 Isaías Coelho
112 Itainópolis
113 Jacobina do Piauí
114 Jaicós
115 João Costa
116 Lagoa do Barro do Piauí
117 Marcolândia
118 Massapê do Piauí
119 Nova Santa Rita
120 Padre Marcos
121 Paes Landim
122 Patos do Piauí
123 Paulistana
124 Pedro Laurentino
125 Queimada Nova
126 Ribeira do Piauí
127 Santo Inácio do Piauí
128 São Francisco de Assis do Piauí
129 São João do Piauí
130 Simões
131 Simplício Mendes
132 Socorro do Piauí
133 Vera Mendes
134 Vila Nova do Piauí
135 Aroeiras do Itaim
136 Bocaina
137 Cajazeiras do Piauí
138 Colônia do Piauí
139 Dom Expedito Lopes
140 Geminiano
141 Ipiranga do Piauí
142 Oeiras
143 Paquetá
144 Picos
145 Santa Cruz do Piauí
146 Santa Rosa do Piauí
147 Santana do Piauí
148 São João da Canabrava
149 São João da Varjota