Mapa Pernambuco

Mapa Pernambuco

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Pernambuco

Facts about Pernambuco State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Recife
Area 98,311.616 sq km
Population 8,931,028 (census 2012)
Demonym Pernambucano
Time zone BRT (UTC-3), (UTC-03)
Postal Code 50000-000 to 56990-000
Airports Guararapes International Airport, Gilberto Freyre International Airport, Petrolina International Airport

Pernambucoa is one of the states in Brazila. It is located in the Northeast region of Brazil. Paraibaa and Cearaa borders Pernambucoa on the north, to the west lies Piauia, Alagoasa and Bahiaa lies to the south, and Atlantic borders on the east. Pernambucoa has a coastline which stretches to a distance of 187 km long.

Pernambucoa can be divided into three primary zone, narrow coastal zone, a high inland plateau, and an intermediate zone formed by the terraces and slopes between the coastal zone and the plateau. Humid Pernambuco coastal forestsa covers the fertile coastal plains, this part of the state is used for extensive sugar cane plantations.

The climate of Pernambucoa is relatively hot and humid, with spells of south east trade winds.

Portuguese were the first to settle in Pernambucoa in the 16th century.

The aeconomy of Pernambucoa is based on agriculture.

Sugarcane and Manioc are primarily grown. Livestock farming, metallurgical, chemical, electronic, textile industries constitutes the major occupation of the people of Pernambuco.

The apopular Festivalsa and carnivals of Pernambucoa are the Winter Festival and Saint John’s Daya.

Guararapes International Airporta is the main airport terminal of Pernambuco.

Pernambuco’s tourism spota includes places like aPraia Sanchoa, which is famous for spinner dolphins, this place was established in Fernando de Noronha, Pernambuco. Fernando de Noronha is a group of volcanic islands, situated at an approximate distance of 340 miles from Recife. One can reach to Fernando de Noronha by plane from Recife.

Porto de Galinhasa is famous as the most beautiful beach of Brazil. The landscape of Porto de Galinhas is beautiful.

Other places to visit while in Pernambuco are Boa Viagem, Ilha de Itamaraca, Tamandare, Calhetas, Coroa do Aviao.

Pernembucoa is a place of great tourist interest.

List of Municipalities in Pernambuco

S.N. Municipality
1 Casinhas
2 Frei Miguelinho
3 Santa Cruz do capibaribe
4 Santa Maria do Cambuca
5 Surubim
6 Taquaritinga do Norte
7 Toritama
8 Vertentes do Lerio
9 Vertentes
10 Agrestina
11 Altinho
12 Barra de Guabiraba
13 Bonito
14 Camocim de Sao Felix
15 Cupira
16 Ibirajuba
17 Lagoa dos Gatos
18 Panelas
19 Saire
20 Sao Joaquim do Monte
21 Angelim
22 Bom Conselho
23 Brejao
24 Caetes
25 Calcado
26 Canhotinho
27 Correntes
28 Garanhuns
29 Iati
30 Jucati
31 Jupi
32 Jurema
33 Lagoa do Ouro
34 Lajedo
35 Palmeirina
36 Paranatama
37 Saloa
38 Sao Joao
39 Terezinha
40 Bom Jardim
41 Cumaru
42 Feira Nova
43 Joao Alfredo
44 Limoeiro
45 Machados
46 Orobo
47 Passira
48 Salgadinho
49 Sao Vicente Ferrer
50 aguas Belas
51 Buique
52 Itaiba
53 Pedra
54 Tupanatinga
55 Venturosa
56 Alagoinha
57 Belo Jardim
58 Bezerros
59 Brejo da Madre de Deus
60 Cachoeirinha
61 Capoeiras
62 Caruaru
S.N. Municipality
63 Gravata
64 Jatauba
65 Pesqueira
66 Pocao
67 Riacho das Almas
68 Sanharo
69 Sao Bento do Una
70 Sao Caitano
71 Tacaimbo
72 agua Preta
73 Amaraji
74 Barreiros
75 Belem de Maria
76 Catende
77 Cortes
78 Escada
79 Gameleira
80 Jaqueira
81 Joaquim Nabuco
82 Maraial
83 Palmares
84 Primavera
85 Quipapa
86 Ribeirao
87 Rio Formoso
88 Sao Benedito do Sul
89 Sao Jose da Coroa Grande
90 Sirinhaem
91 Tamandare
92 Xexeu
93 Alianca
94 Buenos Aires
95 Camutanga
96 Carpina
97 Condado
98 Ferreiros
99 Goiana
100 Itambe
101 Itaquitinga
102 Lagoa do Carro
103 Lagoa do Itaenga
104 Macaparana
105 Nazare da Mata
106 Paudalho
107 Timbauba
108 Tracunhaem
109 Vicencia
110 Cha de Alegria
111 Cha Grande
112 Gloria do Goita
113 Pombos
114 Vitoria de Santo Antao
115 Fernando de Noronha
116 Aracoiaba
117 Igarassu
118 Itamaraca
119 Itapissuma
120 Abreu e Lima
121 Camaragibe
122 Jaboatao dos Guararapes
123 Moreno
124 Olinda