Para Brazil Map

Para Brazil Map

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Para State

Facts about Pará State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Belém
Area 1,247,689.5 sq km
Population 7,792,561 Census 2012
Demonym Paraense
Time zone BRT (UTC-3)
Postal Code 66000-000 to 68890-000
Airports Belém International Airport

Para is one of the popular tourism location and second largest states of Brazil, situated in the northern part of the country. Capital of Para, Brazil is called Belem. Para of Brazil is enriched with the history of colonialism.

Para is a vast region of Amazon tropical rainforest. In terms of size, Para is one of the largest Brazilian states. Weather of Para is generally hot and humid. Para is a wonderful tourism destination and perfect choice for adventurism and eco-tourism.

The mystic and dark forest of Para is consisted with rare species of plants, un-known flowers, and wide collections of venomous snakes and many more. Along with the Dark forests, surrounding mountains are also one of the chief attractions of Para in Brazil. So basically if you are a person with different school of thought, and a heart to receive all kind of experiences whatever it is, then Para is the best place for you.

Some of the chief attractions of Para include:

  • Cruise
  • Diving
  • Mountain Bike
  • Cavalcade
  • Fishing
  • Climbing
  • Expeditions
  • Rafting
  • Trekking

State of Para in Brazil is also famous for the Marajo Island. This island in Para is the biggest reserve of the drinking water and salad water, sources of this water is Atlantic Ocean and the Para River. The area of Marajo Island is spread over 50.000 kilometers of the islands.

Of various tourism attractions in Para the most beautiful sight-seeing destination is the following beaches:

  • Beaches in Salina and Maruda zones of Para
  • Beaches in Braganca zones of Para

Para in Brazil welcome voyagers open-heartedly and accommodate them in the best resorts and hotels of various types.

List of Municipalities in Pará

S.N. Municipality
1 Almeirim
2 Porto de Moz
3 Faro
4 Juruti
5 Óbidos
6 Oriximiná
7 Terra Santa
8 Alenquer
9 Belterra
10 Curuá
11 Mojuí dos Campos
12 Monte Alegre
13 Placas
14 Prainha
15 Santarém
16 Cachoeira do Arari
17 Chaves
18 Muaná
19 Ponta de Pedras
20 Salvaterra
21 Santa Cruz do Arari
22 Soure
23 Afuá
24 Anajás
25 Breves
26 Curralinho
27 São Sebastião da Boa Vista
28 Bagre
29 Gurupá
30 Melgaço
31 Portel
32 Ananindeua
33 Barcarena
34 Belém (State Capital)
35 Benevides
36 Marituba
37 Santa Bárbara do Pará
38 Bujaru
39 Castanhal
40 Inhangapi
41 Santa Isabel do Pará
42 Santo Antônio do Tauá
43 Augusto Corrêa
44 Bonito
45 Bragança
46 Capanema
47 Igarapé-Açu
48 Nova Timboteua
49 Peixe-Boi
50 Primavera
51 Quatipuru
52 Santa Maria do Pará
53 Santarém Novo
54 São Francisco do Pará
55 Tracuateua
56 Abaetetuba
57 Baião
58 Cametá
59 Igarapé-Miri
60 Limoeiro do Ajuru
61 Mocajuba
62 Oeiras do Pará
63 Aurora do Pará
64 Cachoeira do Piriá
65 Capitão Poço
66 Garrafão do Norte
67 Ipixuna do Pará
68 Irituia
69 Mãe do Rio
70 Nova Esperança do Piriá
71 Ourém
72 Santa Luzia do Pará
73 São Domingos do Capim
S.N. Municipality
74 São Miguel do Guamá
75 Viseu
76 Colares
77 Curuçá
78 Magalhães Barata
79 Maracanã
80 Marapanim
81 Salinópolis
82 São Caetano de Odivelas
83 São João da Ponta
84 São João de Pirabas
85 Terra Alta
86 Vigia
87 Acará
88 Concórdia do Pará
89 Moju
90 Tailândia
91 Tomé-Açu
92 Conceição do Araguaia
93 Floresta do Araguaia
94 Santa Maria das Barreiras
95 Santana do Araguaia
96 Brejo Grande do Araguaia
97 Marabá
98 Palestina do Pará
99 São Domingos do Araguaia
100 São João do Araguaia
101 Abel Figueiredo
102 Bom Jesus do Tocantins
103 Dom Eliseu
104 Goianésia do Pará
105 Paragominas
106 Rondon do Pará
107 Ulianópolis
108 Água Azul do Norte
109 Canaã dos Carajás
110 Curionópolis
111 Eldorado dos Carajás
112 Parauapebas
113 Pau D’Arco
114 Piçarra
115 Redenção
116 Rio Maria
117 São Geraldo do Araguaia
118 Sapucaia
119 Xinguara
120 Bannach
121 Cumaru do Norte
122 Ourilândia do Norte
123 São Félix do Xingu
124 Tucumã
125 Breu Branco
126 Itupiranga
127 Jacundá
128 Nova Ipixuna
129 Novo Repartimento
130 Tucuruí
131 Altamira
132 Anapu
133 Brasil Novo
134 Medicilândia
135 Pacajá
136 Senador José Porfírio
137 Uruará
138 Vitória do Xingu
139 Aveiro
140 Itaituba
141 Jacareacanga
142 Novo Progresso
143 Rurópolis
144 Trairão