Map of Brazil States

Map of Brazil States

by Vishal Kumar

Basically, Brazil State is a political society having jurisdiction over a specific geographic region. In reality, this veiled political authority of Brazil State is actually exercised by institution called Government, upon whom the administration of the people living within the particular territory rests.

The total States of Brazil at present is 26. Besides, the country also has one district called “Distrito Federal” or ‘Federal District’, containing the capital city of Brasilia.

The traditional and historical borders form the basis of each Brazil State, evolving through centuries. There is of course quite a couple of Brazil State, which has haphazard, poorly defined boundaries. In this regard, mention may be made about the ‘Federal District’, which is not a full-fledged state, yet shares some typical state features.

The history of the proper emergence of Brazil State dates back to the Second World War in 1943. With Brazil’s participation in the Great War, seven tactical regions of Amapa, Rio Branco, Acre, Guapore, Iguacu, Fernando de Noronha archipelago and Ponta Pora got isolated from the Brazilian borders and came under the direct administration of the Vargas Regime. In the post-War situation, Brazil regained the first four territories in the form of matured states.

States of Brazil is essentially a vast political region under an efficient and effective administration, which facilitate smooth running of the society.

States of Brazil Abbreviation Capital Population ( 2010 ) Area (sq km )
Acre AC Rio Branco 732793 152581.4
Alagoas AL Maceió 3168922 27767.7
Amapá AP Macapá 668689 142814.6
Amazonas AM Manaus 3480937 1570745.7
Bahia BA Salvador 14021432 564692.7
Ceará CE Fortaleza 8448055 148825.6
Distrito Federal DF Brasília 2562963 5822.1
Espírito Santo ES Vitória 3511672 46077.5
Goiás GO Goiânia 6004045 340086.7
Maranhão MA São Luís 6569683 331983.3
Mato Grosso MT Cuiabá 3033991 903357.9
Mato Grosso do Sul MS Campo Grande 2449341 357125
Minas Gerais MG Belo Horizonte 19595309 586528.3
Pará PA Belém 7588078 1247689.5
Paraíba PB João Pessoa 3766834 56439.8
Paraná PR Curitiba 10439601 199314.9
Pernambuco PE Recife 8796032 98311.6
Piauí PI Teresina 3119015 251529.2
Rio de Janeiro RJ Rio de Janeiro 15993583 43696.1
Rio Grande do Norte RN Natal 3168133 52796.8
Rio Grande do Sul RS Porto Alegre 10695532 281748.5
Rondônia RO Porto Velho 1560501 237576.2
Roraima RR Boa Vista 451227 224299
Santa Catarina SC Florianópolis 6249682 95346.2
São Paulo SP São Paulo 41252160 248209.4
Sergipe SE Aracaju 2068031 21910.3
Tocantins TO Palmas 1383453 277620.9