Mato Grosso do Sul Map

Mato Grosso do Sul Map

by Vishal Kumar

Map of Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil

Facts about Mato Grosso do Sul State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Campo Grande
Area 357,124.962 sq km
Population 2,505,088 (census 2012)
Demonym Sul-mato-grossense or Mato-grossense-do-sul
Time zone BRT-1 (UTC-4), BRST-1 (UTC-3)
Postal Code 79000-000 to 79990-000
Airports Campo Grande International Airport, Corumbá International Airport, Ponta Porã International Airport

Mato Grosso do Sul until 1977 was a part of ‘Mato Grosso’ one of the neighboring sates of Brazil. Due to the similarity in their names, often they are often mistaken as the same states. After 1977, Mato Grosso do Sul received the identity of a state in Brazil.

Mato Grosso do Sul is a multilingual and multi-cultural Brazilian state is enriched with history of colonialism. Thus this place is full of several foreign languages like, Italian, Germany etc. though the official language followed in this part of the country is Portuguese.

Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil is economically dependent on farming and vegetations chiefly. The place is well-known for preserving natural beauty, and rural simplicity. People out here are welcoming and warm.

The states of Mato Grosso do Sul is extended up to 11 regions and 78 municipalities.

From tourism’s point of view, this Brazilian state is quite attractive for it beholds pristine rivers and natural caves.

Mato Grosso do Sul is also a place to enjoy several local festivities, among which most popular are:

  • St Peter’s Day
  • St John’s day
  • St Anthony’s Day

Mato Grosso do Sul is easily accessible from any parts of the country, and outskirts via international flights. The international airport of Mato Grosso do Sul is – ‘Campo Grande International Airport’.

Another significance of this Brazilian state is it holds the Campo Grande Film Festival every year, in the month of January and February.

Climate in Mato Grosso do Sul is beautiful and welcoming. Various resorts and hotels are found to here to take rests for a few days in luxury and comfort. Thus it is clear that paying visit to Mato Grosso do Sul of Brazil is a worth decision on your spent.

List of Municipalities in Mato Grosso do Sul

S.N. Municipality
1 Alcinópolis
2 Camapuã
3 Figueirão
4 Coxim
5 Pedro Gomes
6 Rio Verde de Mato Grosso
7 São Gabriel do Oeste
8 Sonora
9 Bandeirantes
10 Campo Grande (State Capital)
11 Corguinho
12 Jaraguari
13 Rio Negro
14 Rochedo
15 Sidrolândia
16 Terenos
17 Cassilândia
18 Chapadão do Sul
19 Costa Rica
20 Anaurilândia
21 Bataguassu
22 Batayporã
23 Nova Andradina
24 Taquarussu
25 Aparecida do Taboado
26 Inocência
S.N. Municipality
27 Paranaíba
28 Selvíria
29 Água Clara
30 Brasilândia
31 Ribas do Rio Pardo
32 Santa Rita do Pardo
33 Três Lagoas
34 Anastácio
35 Aquidauana
36 Dois Irmãos do Buriti
37 Miranda
38 Corumbá
39 Ladário
40 Porto Murtinho
41 Bela Vista
42 Bodoquena
43 Bonito
44 Caracol
45 Guia Lopes da Laguna
46 Jardim
47 Nioaque
48 Amambai
49 Antônio João
50 Aral Moreira
51 Caarapó
52 Douradina
S.N. Municipality
53 Dourados
54 Fátima do Sul
55 Itaporã
56 Juti
57 Laguna Carapã
58 Maracaju
59 Nova Alvorada do Sul
60 Ponta Porã
61 Rio Brilhante
62 Vicentina
63 Angélica
64 Coronel Sapucaia
65 Deodápolis
66 Eldorado
67 Glória de Dourados
68 Iguatemi
69 Itaquiraí
70 Ivinhema
71 Japorã
72 Jateí
73 Mundo Novo
74 Naviraí
75 Novo Horizonte do Sul
76 Paranhos
77 Sete Quedas
78 Tacuru