Espirito Santo Brasil Mapa

Espirito Santo Brasil Mapa

by Vishal Kumar

Espirito Santo Map

Facts about Espírito Santo State of Brazil

Country Brazil
Capital Vitória
Area 46,077.519 sq km
Population 3,578,067 (Census 2012)
Demonym capixaba or espiritossantense
Time zone BRT (UTC-03:00), BRST (UTC-02:00)
Postal Code 29000-000 to 29990-000
Airports Eurico de Aguiar Salles Airport

Espirito Santo is one of the Brazilian states that belong to Brazil’s south-eastern part. Espirito Santo is also abbreviated as ‘ES’. People who resides in this state is called ‘Capixabas’ which means the ‘holy spirit ‘which is quite interesting. The capital of Espirito Santo is known as Vitoria, and the most important and largest city of Espirito Santo is called the ‘Vila Velha’.

Geographical location of Espirito Santo:

The state of Espirito Santo is surrounded by the state of Rio de Janeiro to its south, State of Bahia and Minas Gerais to its north and west and Atlantic Ocean to its east.

History of Espirito Santo:

Espirito Santo of Brazil was a land for Portuguese black natives for prolong period. Later on various nomadic tribes from Europe and other parts has inhabited themselves here, though Amerindians was the first aborigines of Espirito Santo, thus this part of Brazil represents a mixed socio-cultural background enriched with cocktail culture.

Climate of Espirito Santo is generally of dry nature. The winter is perfectly dry and cold, summers are often raining, and hot.

Significance of lakes in Espirito Santo is very important, as it is consisted with around twenty-six large lakes of which the largest is ‘Juparana Lake’.

Espirito Santo in Brazil holds a key position, for it is one of the most profitable landmark for Brazil’s economy, as this Brazilian State is one of the well-known manufacturer of crops, vegetables, coffee, fruits at one hand, on the other some of the most well-known steel and iron industries are also based in Espirito Santo, which increases the economic value of this state for the country.

Surrounded by green bushes, long trees, calm mountains, and crystal lakes, Espirito Santo is one of the beautiful locations of Brazil to pay visit, and charmed by.

List of municipalities in Espírito Santo

S.N. Municipality
1 Afonso Cláudio
2 Brejetuba
3 Conceição do Castelo
4 Domingos Martins
5 Laranja da Terra
6 Marechal Floriano
7 Venda Nova do Imigrante
8 Alfredo Chaves
9 Anchieta
10 Guarapari
11 Iconha
12 Piúma
13 Rio Novo do Sul
14 Itaguaçu
15 Itarana
16 Santa Leopoldina
17 Santa Maria do Jetibá
18 Santa Teresa
19 São Roque do Canaã
20 Cariacica
21 Serra
22 Viana
23 Vila Velha
24 Vitória (State Capital)
25 Aracruz
26 Fundão
27 Ibiraçu
28 João Neiva
29 Linhares
30 Rio Bananal
31 Sooretama
32 Montanha
33 Mucurici
34 Pinheiros
35 Ponto Belo
36 Conceição da Barra
37 Jaguaré
38 Pedro Canário
39 São Mateus
40 Água Doce do Norte
41 Barra de São Francisco
42 Ecoporanga
43 Mantenópolis
44 Alto Rio Novo
45 Baixo Guandu
46 Colatina
47 Governador Lindenberg
48 Marilândia
49 Pancas
50 São Domingos do Norte
51 Águia Branca
52 Boa Esperança
53 Nova Venécia
54 São Gabriel da Palha
55 Vila Pavão
56 Vila Valério
57 Alegre
58 Divino de São Lourenço
59 Dores do Rio Preto
60 Guaçuí
61 Ibatiba
62 Ibitirama
63 Irupi
64 Iúna
65 Muniz Freire
66 Apiacá
67 Atilio Vivacqua
68 Bom Jesus do Norte
69 Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
70 Castelo
71 Jerônimo Monteiro
72 Mimoso do Sul
73 Muqui
74 São José do Calçado
75 Vargem Alta
76 Itapemirim
77 Marataízes
78 Presidente Kennedy